
Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin, Lynette and Daniel Trawick, along with details for event.


"Serodifferent relationship" and "mixed-status couple" are terms often used to describe a couple or relationship in which one partner is living with HIV and the other is not.

Zoom squares from The Well Project virtual holiday party.

The Well Project is honored to be spotlighted by longtime partner Positive Women's Women's Network - USA. Read Ieshia Scott's interview with executive director, Krista Martel. 

Artwork of Black woman and girl by Sydney Vernon for Motherhood episode of the Being Seen podcast.

Ciarra Covin featured in "award-winning podcast about the power of being seen" hosted by Anika Noni Rose and presented by ViiV Healthcare.

Headshots of Black advocates for The 2021 POZ 100: Celebrating Black Advocates.

This year's POZ 100 "spotlights the work of Black advocates... making a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS", including The Well Project Editorial Director Olivia Ford and CAB members and A Girl Like Me bloggers, Gina Brown, RSW; Bridgette Picou, and Masonia Traylor.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Bridgette Picou, along with details for event.

Explore questions about sharing your HIV status with providers with two women advocates living with HIV – one of them a licensed vocational nurse who shares her expertise on both sides of the client-provider relationship.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Corazón rojo brillante envuelto en un estetoscopio en la lectura de ECG.
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Obtenga información básica sobre enfermedades cardíacas – lo qué son, síntomas de un ataque al corazón, el VIH y las enfermedades cardíacas, cómo reducir sus factores de riesgo y más.

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