
Kim Canady in front of USCHA sign.

USCHA 2022 convened in San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 8 – 11, 2022. Members of The Well Project's community wrote recap articles sharing their unique perspectives on conference sessions and events of interest to our communities.

The Well Project Spanish newsletter signup promo.

The Well Project se complace en anunciar nuestro creciente compromiso a la justicia lingüística y el lanzamiento de un boletín electrónico mensual en español que garantizará una amplia difusión de nuestros recursos en español.

The 2022 POZ 100.

This 2022 Poz 100 "spotlights the work of Latino advocates" including several of The Well Project's community members "who are making a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS."

The Well Project Spanish newsletter signup promo.

The Well Project is excited to announce our increasing commitment to language justice and the launch of a monthly Spanish e-newsletter that will ensure there is wide dissemination of our Spanish language offerings.

Event flyer.

Learn from advocates about how they have initiated conversations about HIV prevention and awareness with youth in their communities, tips for when to begin talking with children, and more.

Collage of images from Let's Talk About Sex 2022 conference.

Members of The Well Project's team were honored to join our partner organizations SisterSong and Dallas-based The Afiya Center, cohosts of Let's Talk About Sex! The National Reproductive Justice Conference in Dallas, Texas, August 25 – 28, 2022.

Flyer for A Girl Like Me LIVE event with headshots of Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Dawn Averitt.

The Well Project founder Dawn Averitt, who was diagnosed with HIV in 1988, discusses her experiences aging with HIV, the importance of self-care, the need for research in women who are aging with HIV, and much more.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin at "Breast is Best" session.

The Well Project was at AIDS 2022 in Montreal Canada from July 28-August 2 and is pleased to report on our experiences and what we took away from the meeting. 

Poster "Amplifying the Voices and Experiences of Parents Living with HIV Around Breast/Chestfeeding"

The Well Project presented an e-poster, Amplifying the Voices and Experiences of Parents Living with HIV around Breast/Chestfeeding, at AIDS 2022 in Montreal, Canada on July 29 – August 2, 2022, which sought to present information in a way that a broad range of audiences looking for information on infant feeding choices could access.

Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin and Theresa Mack, MD, MPH, along with details for event.

Watch this insightful conversation on the importance of patient-provider relationships for women living with HIV, suggestions for overcoming barriers, and more.


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Corazón rojo brillante envuelto en un estetoscopio en la lectura de ECG.
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Obtenga información básica sobre enfermedades cardíacas – lo qué son, síntomas de un ataque al corazón, el VIH y las enfermedades cardíacas, cómo reducir sus factores de riesgo y más.

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