Community Connection and Leadership: The Well Project Annual Report 2020

Submitted on Sep 15, 2021


The Well Project Annual Report 2020 with art of a woman sitting on bed with a laptop by Farah Jeune.

The Well Project is excited to launch our 2020 Annual Report and provide you with a chance to learn about our efforts and accomplishments last year. 2020 wasn't an easy year for any of us, but we are pleased to highlight the ways in which we were all able to come together and The Well Project was able to provide support to the phenomenal women in our community.

(Please click here to download PDF)

As many of you know, The Well Project's programs have always been accessible remotely and online. As a result, we were well positioned to lead as stay-at-home orders went into effect and our virtual lives became more robust--and crucial. The 2020 Annual Report focuses on two key principles that guided us through this tumultuous year: Community Connection and Leadership. In our annual report, you'll learn about new programming we launched in 2020 -- Stay Well at Home with The Well Project a program that allowed us to come together, support each other, and take a collective mental health break; and The Well Project Leadership Exchange, where thoughtleaders in the HIV community explore one another's work, activism, and personal experiences.

You'll also read about our efforts to advance topics that are vitally important to the HIV community but tend to be overlooked, including breast/chestfeeding for women living with HIV and other birthing parents and the experiences of women who were born with HIV, a group too often left out of the conversation about long-term survivors.

While the year has ended, in many ways 2020 isn't over. The COVID-19 pandemic and our reckoning with racial and gender inequities continue and much work remains to be done. It won't be easy, but The Well Project's commitment to advancing racial justice, particularly addressing the impact of racial inequality on healthcare, will continue to inform everything we do.

We are extremely grateful to everyone who makes what we do possible including our team, supporters, Community Advisory Board, Board of Directors, WRI members, partners, and the entire community of folks who support our work and utilize our resources. 


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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