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Letter to My Representative

Submitted on Mar 25, 2025 by  KatieAdsila

Have you ever heard of AIDSWatch? It's an annual advocacy event in Washington DC where many of the nation's HIV advocates come together to speak with their representatives about funding and policies that impact our communities, and it's happening at the end of this month, March 2025. I was invited to not only attend, but also to lead a group from my state this year, but as honored as I was to be invited to be a leader at this most important conference in this crucial moment in our nation, I couldn't do it.

I couldn't bring myself to be in DC for a few reasons. First, I was terrified of traveling as a transgender woman in our current political and social environment. Just the idea of having to go to the restroom makes me anxious, because I AM NOT going into a men's bathroom; the thought is frightening, I would be harassed and probably assaulted at some point. So I don't feel safe to use the toilet right now. Secondly, I don't feel safe, period, anywhere. With the government itself pushing extreme hatred from the very top levels down, violence against transgender individuals has risen and continues to rise. And as an unfortunate consequence, violence has also risen amongst cisgender women who present androgynously or simply not feminine enough. These numbers will continue to rise in a world that villainizes transgender people and sees us as less than human. And finally, I couldn't go to Washington this year and try to speak to people who openly hate me and have absolutely no respect for my humanity, because I feel the same way about them and I know that it would be apparent on my face and in my voice, just as they can't hide their disdain for me.


With the government itself pushing extreme hatred from the very top levels down, violence against transgender individuals has risen and continues to rise.


I was recently approached to do a simple task, to write a letter to each of my representatives to be added to the leave-behind folder that would be left with the representative or their staff. I tried, but every time I tried to write something to them it would always come out sounding something like this:

"To whom it may concern at the office of:

My name is not relevant. As a transgender woman you don't respect my name, pronouns, or even my existence anyway, so why should I grace you with my name? I don't respect anything about you, just as you don't respect anything about me. See how this works? However you feel about me is the exact same way I feel about you, how you treat me is how I intend to treat you, see how this works? This is the world that you created.

We were once a people who respected each other even when we disagreed with one another, but you have killed that spirit in our country. You have not done anything to solve any real issues that the people actually need resolution to, instead you have done nothing but sow hate for an innocent group of people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve your ire. You are not honorable people so I refuse to call you honorable, there is nothing remotely honorable about you. You have betrayed your country by handing it over wholly to an authoritarian, and you have betrayed your god if you have one, and I feel sorry for you when you stand before your god at your judgement because I'll be there to testify against you. You're not worthy of your office and you will be remembered in history as a traitor I promise you. You treat me and my community as though we are less than human, and that just shows how subhuman you are, and I will not feel sorry when your fall finally comes. As it IS coming!! Because good always prevails in the end, and you are on the evil side of history. May your grandchildren enjoy your place in history for generations."

Is that too much? Because I don't think it's nearly enough. That's the letter that I WANT to send, I know it wouldn't be productive or conducive to a positive outcome, but at this point, would anything? They've already fully decided that I am an enemy, that I'm not human and therefore should have no expectation of human rights.

If you truly hear my message, please share it, find any way you can to resist and fight back...

We're living in a time in history that will be remembered forever, as either the generation that fumbled democracy or as the generation that saved it. These are the opinions we're facing right now. We can either resist and fight back or just ignore what's going on and slowly watch the ship go down. That's it! There is no sideline to sit on, you're either on one side or the other but there is no middle ground here. So what choice will you make? What side are you on? And bear in mind that you will be remembered forever for your decision.

I couldn't bring myself to go to Washington right now because my fear and anxiety as a transgender woman and my anger and bitterness towards my representatives was too strong for me to handle. So I must find another way to be heard. If you truly hear my message, please share it, find any way you can to resist and fight back, fight for me, because when they're done with me and my community, they'll come for you and yours. Just remember that. You're next.

Blogger, KatieAdsila, and logo for A Girl Like Me.

Submitted by Red40something

My dearest Katie. 

Not only am I holding you up in love and light, but I hope you feel both of those things flow around you and offer the tiniest measure of support. I promise to use my small dose of privilege as a black cis gender woman to stand in solidarity with you. As wild as some may see it to call out the privilege of being disrespected and  unprotected as a black woman, I do indeed know that it is an entitlement I have in birthright femininity. 

This fear that is existing in and around you breaks me as your friend, because I know you to be a wonderful human being and woman. I'm sorry that so many have chosen you and your - no - OUR community to target. I believe you are right. It is only a matter of time before the next "other" becomes the next target. Black folk have always been targeted and on the list, it is merely our numbers and integration into society that have kept us "safe" all this time. (Fringes though it may be.) There will be a next. God help us all. Through it all, I believe in you. 

I pray that doesn't sound self-serving. It is just that I know some of your fear and uncertainty. Bless you for using your voice. Bless you for your transparency. Bless you for being a friend. I support you. I stand with you. 

In solidarity and friendship. 


Submitted by kmartel

I wish I was as eloquent with my words as you to express my anger and sadness about what you are experiencing. This is such a powerful blog and framing of the impact this administration is having on the trans community. And like you said--the target base will continue to expand (and is already). I will continue to fight for you and all our sisters. I love you, Katie, and thank you for sharing your words and very valid fears. 


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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