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Access to Treatment

Submitted on Aug 7, 2012 by  MariaHIVMejia

NOTE from the Editor: The Well Project is thrilled to be working together with AIDS United as a part of their "Access2Care" initiative to share the stories of several HIV positive women, their journeys of getting into the life-saving care they need, and their experiences of attending the International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C. The A Girl Like Me blog posts on access to treatment will be cross posted on the AIDS United blog here.


Why aren't we being adherent and why of the 1.1 million Americans living with HIV, are only 25 percent virally suppressed?

I guess I have to start with myself..I found out I was HIV positive as a young 18 year old in 1991..I could say I was not on ARV's because the only thing that was available was AZT..but the reality is that I highly doubt in those times--and with so little knowledge about HIV medications and all the side effects that I was hearing about--that I would have started treatment.

As a Latino woman living in Miami, I have seen people that have many problems adhering to their treatment, getting tested, or because they do not have access to care because of lack of insurance or the STIGMA of having HIV. They would rather not even be seen in the clinic because of fear that someone will recognize them. This is very sad to me in many ways. What usually happens is the person gets very ill or they have their immune system broken down (like what happened to me) when I dropped to 39 Tcells after 10 years without any HIV medicine. As I see it, at least I had the option to start treatment back then and I was not put in the situation that some are in now... NO FUNDS! NO MEDICATIONS! WAITING LISTS!

I believe the most effective way to get people to adhere to their treatment or to get tested is through education, to be active in our communities and get the conversation going. We can't just sit back and take our meds while our brothers and sisters that are starting this journey lack the resources or information on how to live a long and healthy life with this virus. We have to go to schools and universities, jails...anywhere where it's least that is what I do and will continue to do until my last breath. People have to realize that there is a serious crisis going on... HIV/AIDS continues to spread and people are still dying. Every 9 1/2 minutes someone here in the USA gets infected and 1 out of 5 people have HIV and don't know it. Or simply people are NOT respecting this virus..they think it's as simple as taking one pill and they will be fine.

It is horrific to me that  only 25% are virally suppressed! Why? Well many people will have different answers!

some will say as I do..

  • No access to treatment
  • Lack of information and sometimes no good communication with their HIV specialist
  • Lack of transportation to their doctor's office
  • The Stigma and fear they have of being recognized for going into an ASO or an HIV clinic
  • Not taking their medication how they are supposed to because of the reminder that they are positive or the side effects
  • Lack of insurance (ADAP is getting better and we continue to fight for funding)

Health is a human right! When I was  fighting for funding for ADAP in Florida, I was basically told by officials: 'we are NOT obligated to give HIV medication to anyone! you are not entitled!' And as I told them: 'well until it happens to you or someone you love, you will not understand.' I also told them, 'How is it possible that 3rd world countries give this life-saving medication for free and we are doing this to our own citizens? You will have blood in your hands!'

I know one thing..when I was given a month to live ..had 39 Tcells and cervical cancer ..ADAP saved my life. I don't need it anymore because I have insurance..but I am grateful it existed!

I have written before that not everyone is an advocate or activist and not everyone is ready to come out of the 'HIV closet'. But we can do it in a smaller scale..maybe helping out a friend that is having trouble understanding the importance of taking their medication or having a good case manager or a good HIV specialist. I also believe in being a big brother big sister to those that are new to this condition.

What I learned,, or wanted to know more about at AIDS 2012 (IAC), is basically what I already knew from researching and being an international media activist..finding out new AIDS research updates (WE WAN'T A CURE). Seeing activists and advocates from all over the world was awesome for me! The change starts with the man in the mirror and together we stand, and divided we fall. We have to be united in this fight and fight fight fight for our human rights!

I am also for helping others around the world ..but we have to take care of home and our own backyard first.

Social Media is a beast and I am using it like crazy! Spread the word! Blogging, creating spaces for people all around the world in the internet, Twitter , YouTube. I try to do it all in English and Spanish. The more I come in contact with the whole world or people here in the USA, the more I realize that the lack of information and myths still continue strong.

That is why I am here and why all activists and advocates are here. To change things. To continue the fight like those before us.

And all of those things I learn, I immediately bring it back to my community and I spread the information through media all over the world.

Together we can make a change.

Love and light,

Maria T Mejia

Submitted by Robert Cannell

Hi, My name is Robert Cannell a freelance Artist. Now i'm concerned about a friend at the moment. This girl has a lovely personality and a big heart to go with it. But she appears to have the wrong taste in men. I've often fantasised about going out with her. Because i find her very attractive.
I saw her a month ago and she looked painfully thin around the face and almost a yellow complexion. It surprised me because she looked, always vibrant and healthy. Aso i noticed the veins on her hands were standing right out. It looks like she's got a blood disorder or disease. I caught up with her just this evening and she looked a bit worse, plus she was very paranoid of other people. She's a strong Church goer. But has given up her religous studies recently. I'm so worried for her. I want to tell her to see a Doctor for a blood test.
But i feel deep down, from the info i've looked up on the internet, that it could be full blown Aids. But really for real proof, she'd have to have a blood test. Anyway iff there's any advice you can give me. Please do.

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

I am sorry about your friend Robert. the most important thing is for her to get tested and take her meds. we really do not know what condition she has and the truth is HIV/AIDS doesnt have a face or a look..I have AIDS and you would never know,,I have never lost weight and I have never had any of the symptoms that you are talking about here. it can be any condition she is going through..maybe you can talk to her about it? maybe it can also be drugs ( I mean you just never know ) the internet has much info ..but many times it doesnt apply to all. none of the symptoms that I have read in the internet I ever had ( even at my worse 39 tcells )

my advice : talk to her

love and light

Maria Mejia


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