MariaHIVMejia's blog

This world makes me so sad...all I see is destruction and people arguing. We are all one!! We are the human race! The end of times are not here yet (in my belief) and we're already turning on each other...mother nature is giving us what we have given her--so much pain that many of us have to drug ourselves not to feel the pain and hurt in our hearts and souls!! No justice, no compassion...I mean a little inspiration of mine that passed at the age of 13, Angels for Talia was being bullied by some evil ass people that were telling her she just wanted attention!!??? I mean really? This is a child...

I can't believe I just watched a team of real doctors inject a 6-year-old girl with a deadly disease... and smile. Who knew something called a "serial killer" cell could bring so much unforgettable joy and happiness? -- Ray Flores, Upworthy Isn't it AMAZING that a little girl who was sentenced to death had the HIV virus injected in her and she is now healthy and alive? :D I know the cure for some cancers and HIV is coming...I feel it and I am crying tears of Joy for her and for myself and millions around the world. ♥Isn't it ironic that a disease that has been stigmatized--so much ignorance...

I have been holding back on talking about something that has been going on...Well, I noticed a big lump on my right breast and it hurt. So like always, I was quick with my health and made an appointment for a digital mammogram and an ultrasound that was done today. THANK GOD it was nothing...just fibrosis...many women have this! So what is my message? As with anything, with time and early detection, we can save our lives! Don't be scared of whatever the outcome can be and grab the bull by its horns... that is what I do with everything in life! I cant let things be ...NEVER! I chose to live the...

Well, I was told by someone that made a comment on my pic and my personal Facebook profile (which is this one) that although they admired my work and spirit, I shouldn't make HIV so "Fashionista." He went on to tell me that HIV/AIDS is something very serious and a matter of life and death...Well, I have been living with HIV since I was a infected at 16 in 1989 and diagnosed in 1991. I know what living with HIV is, and I for damn sure know I am more than this virus! Do people really expect people living with HIV/AIDS to look sick and to be suicidal and depressed? Well..NO!! I refuse...

Below is my bilingual Vlog from an ex dissident telling me what happened and I also share some information for those scared of treatment. Video bilingue de un ex disidente que casi muere y algunos consejos mios para aquellas personas que tienen miedo de tomar su medicina para el VIH.

I fall...but I will always pick myself up! I may cry...but I wipe my tears and continue loving and caring. I may have been in dark moments where I felt everything was upside down...but I always know there is a light ! ALWAYS!! Nothing lasts forever...good things or bad things. As I always say, from the darkest places comes the brightest lights. Sometimes we may feel like giving up but that fighting spirit makes us continue and shows us what we are made of. You have 2 choices in life...FIGHT OR GIVE UP! Giving up is not an option We all have struggles and you are not alone. We all have some...

YOU GET TIRED! I know I must give hope and be "positive", but I have been in bed for 2 weeks with a horrible cold! FEVER, CHILLS, COUGH, ACHES, HEADACHE...horrible!! I know we all get colds, but it just sucks when you have a freaking low immune system and multiple things are attacking you!! They also did a culture in the ER when Lisa took me April 18th and found a freaking bacteria ENETEROCOCCUS (E coli) that I was told by my doc during the same situation. :( So I got my results for VL and Tcells today..and THANK GOD I am undetectable! My Tcells did go down a little from the highest they have...

OMG!!!!! in a few days I will be 40 YEARS OLD!!! and 24 years living with HIV ! When I was infected in 1989 at the age of 16 and then diagnosed 1 week after my 18th bday in April 18 1991, IT WAS A DEATH SENTENCE! They gave us MAX 10 YEARS TO LIVE. I wrote in my Hello Kitty diary that max I would live to see 28 and that is how it was! we had no meds!! No viral load exams! no social media or internet NOTHING! IT WAS A DEATH SENTENCE! NOW IT IS A LIFE SENTENCE!! BUT ..I AM HERE! Please, when you know better, you do better! Get tested, know your status! Do not trust anyone with your life!! And use...

OK... My soul is hurting. I feel so powerless. :( I have people from all over the world writing me that they have no medicine! That they are discriminated and it is happening here in the United States also!! It is so sad for me to only offer them my prayers and just sit here and feel like I can't do anything for them and help them!! PEOPLE ARE DYINGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! THEY ARE GETTING SICK! This is not only happening with HIV, but with many other diseases like cancer, etc. So many funding cuts...people maybe just don't give a damn anymore? They are sick and desperate. :( I do not want to be a...

I am excited and very hopeful! Estoy feliz y con mucha esperanza.   Watch video on YouTube:   Love and light, Maria Mejia