MariaHIVMejia's blog

As I sat with my wife, Lisa, and watched Dallas Buyers Club, I was like 'wow! what wonderful actors!' They really did a good job! And it was part of history. I lived through most of that in those times when this condition was known as GRID, or a condition for prostitutes or drug users. But nothing touches Philadelphia for me. :) It was a very deep movie and it touched me deeply! I guess it is a matter of taste, not taking anything away from DBC. I was thinking that night after we watched the movie and reading one of the many thousands of emails I get from all over the world and from all ages...

This is me in one of the worst times of my life...a lost girl around 15 years old, a gang member, a thug! I hated myself! There are really no pics of my past. I am not a single particle of that girl anymore...she suffered! She was in pain! She would hide her body and her face...she felt ugly and worthless!!! She believed what she was told...SHE WAS A NOTHING AND NEVER WOULD AMOUNT TO ANYTHING! She was just lost and hurting, and that hard image was just an armor so no one would hurt her or get close to her. This was me, Maria Teresa Mejia. I was a little worm that became a butterfly and now I...

Here is my bilingual video blog about the my HIV International Group and VIH Grupo Internacional on Facebook: International group for people infected and affected by HIV AIDS in English Grupo internacional para personas infectadas y afectadas en Espanol The Well Project

Well, where do I start? 2013 was a year of growth, pain and lessons! This has been one of the hardest years in my life, but it was a gift as well because I became even stronger and set new goals for the rest of my life. I wrote my book and it is done and in the last editing process. I lost my baby Flea that was with me for more than 12 years...he is in doggy heaven. I also had a lot of little health episodes with the flu and Ecoli that was freaking scary!!! But, AGAIN I overcame everything , and I realized what is really important in my life. I took a mini break from activism in a full scale...

This video blog is especially dedicated to Edison Patitas de Algodon and all the children or teens that have HIV like me. Este es un video que le dedico a Edison Patitas de Algodon y todos los ninos que tienen el virus del VIH o que sus papas o alguien que amen tienen el VIH.

My message for World AIDS Day: HIV stops with me! Please, if you know you have the virus, disclose before engaging in sexual relations. Do not put anyone at risk because of selfish reasons, or because of STIGMA , or because of being turned down. I have never been rejected, and I believe it is because I bring the subject up and feel the person out. I do not let my emotions get too deep before I disclose. I also know that a person has all the RIGHT to not want to deal with this situation or any situation! This is respectable! Many write me from all over the world and tell me that they are...

After all the trials and storms, always believe that a rainbow will come. Never feel bad for the things you go through, these are the times and things that makes us strong and evolve spiritually. It is ok to feel frustrated, angry and even hopeless, as long as you do not let it take you down. Keep on keeping on you...will be ok! Believe in yourself and that everything that happens in life has a reason and a meaning. If everything in life was easy and nothing hard ever happened, we would never learn and grow. Love and light, Maria   Después de todas las pruebas y las tormentas siempre confia...

I know most people know I have HIV...but at the same time they forget I have it, because I do not look sick. HIV has no face...think before you write me please...I have feelings! I have people telling me, 'Oh wow, if I were to find out I am poz...I would kill myself!!' or 'I had many friends with HIV, they are all dead now, you probably have 5 more years left???' REALLY? NO! ONLY WHEN MY MISSION IS COMPLETE, I WILL GO TO THE LIGHT! Others are not even HIV positive and stress me out "I think I am poz and I am depressed! "GO GET TESTED" Some tested negative and still think they have HIV!!! YOU...

Many write me from all over the world with the same question...How can I be so open about having HIV? How did I get the courage to be so open?? How can they get to where I am?? My response is always the same: I have NO SHAME! There is nothing wrong with having HIV! This is a condition like any other, we have much STIGMA around this condition because of sex! But guess what, WE ARE ALL SEXUAL BEINGS...and if you had sex without a condom once...married or or straight...RELIGION OR NO RELIGION...No matter what your race or social economic status is...ANYONE IS AT RISK OF HAVING HIV!!! It...

Never limit yourself!! Dream big!! Believe in yourself! No matter what cards you were dealt with, make the best out of any situation. LOVE BIG!! LIVE INTENSELY!! Accept the struggles and overcome them with dignity and without the need of being bitter or selling yourself or your soul. ♥ Nothing lasts forever so embrace everything and everyone. Everyone...good and bad, is a teacher. ♥ Evolve spiritually and do not only focus on having material things...I