health insurance, medical benefits


I am the first deputy director for The Well Project and would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I identify as a Mexican mujer, immigrant, and a Southern California girl through and through. I am the mother of a 3-year old ray of sunshine, a loving and loved spouse, a sister, and an eldest daughter. I am also a lifelong survivor of HIV.

Submitted on Oct 12, 2022

This blog was not easy to write… Yes, HIV took my motherhood… Back in those times when I was diagnosed, we had no medicine. At least, I didn't have any access to treatment in Colombia, my country...

Submitted on Aug 31, 2022

The Well Project is infuriated and devastated by the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, which has provided constitutional protection for abortion rights for nearly 50 years.

Submitted on Jun 24, 2022

Tip: Can't nobody take your voice. It's yours. I mean, people always have the choice of ignoring you. But that doesn't mean shut up.

Submitted on Jun 23, 2022

My birthday month, November, had a great start by doing what I like most, giving my HIV activism a boost. Between 4-7 November I was in Istanbul for a face-to-face 'Skills Training to Empower Patients...

Submitted on Nov 12, 2021

My name is Maria Mejia and this is my story with HIV! I kept my HIV diagnosis a secret from almost everyone for nearly 20 years. Diagnosed at 18 in 1991 and contracted HIV at the age of 15 in 1988, I...

Submitted on Oct 11, 2021

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be transgender? Living with HIV? In the rural South? Each of these issues alone can be challenging. Together, they are my reality—and it's crucial for...

Submitted on Sep 29, 2021

Yesterday I had my first doctor's appointment for my HIV care in a year. Between the pandemic, remote learning with my daughter, and moving from NYC to upstate, life has been hectic to say the least...

Submitted on Sep 24, 2021

Hello Queens! We are off to a new start! 2021 on deck! Heeeeyyyyy nowwwww! Rock with it! Do your dance with it! Snap your fingers to it! Tip your champagne glass and shake your shimmy Girl! Toast to a new year.

Submitted on Jan 7, 2021

It is 1 December, WORLD AIDS DAY, and this year's theme is "Global solidarity, resilient services". The world has known a rough year because of covid-19. And this has sometimes made us forget about...

Submitted on Dec 1, 2020


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