dating, relationships


“Jyoti, I want to marry you, and this time I am sure of it.” I looked at him, not believing a word. Marry me? An HIV-positive woman? When he couldn’t commit to me for the whole two and half years we...

Submitted on Oct 25, 2013

Sonya posted a new blog Remember One Thing... on A Girl Like Me’s “Voices from our Allies” page: What’s new, you asked? I know it’s been a minute, but I need you to understand that I’ve been on the...

Submitted on Oct 9, 2013

What's new, you asked? I know it's been a minute, but I need you to understand that I've been on the grind for HIV/AIDS Awareness hardcore still the same. Simply because so much is going on, but yet...

Submitted on Oct 9, 2013

Many write me from all over the world with the same question...How can I be so open about having HIV? How did I get the courage to be so open?? How can they get to where I am?? My response is always...

Submitted on Aug 13, 2013

How do people claim to love women and their kids when they abuse them? That’s a question I keep asking myself but I never got the right answer for it and it really needs one good answer. Most of the...

Submitted on Jul 26, 2013

By Anonymous One year ago I left my country and flew a thousand miles all the way to Washington DC to go to the International AIDS conference. It was an unforgettable experience and one that I will...

Submitted on Jul 24, 2013

It's July 4, 2013...Independence Day! I felt compelled to share something today! It's about freedom, releasing the hurt, the pain, etc. that each of us has endured! Domestic Violence (1972-1998 off/on...

Submitted on Jul 5, 2013

I am a retired RN and 58 years old. I was diagnosed in July 2002 while I was living in a battered women's shelter in Winston-Salem, NC. The person who infected me was my boyfriend of two years. He...

Submitted on May 8, 2013

Today was my eighth anniversary with HIV. I was diagnosed in a small town doctor’s office, all alone and terrified, eight years ago today. It was the first time that I don’t remember crying when the...

Submitted on Mar 5, 2013

Dear friends, Today we sent out an e-newsletter for Valentine's Day that was in part inspired by stories we read on A Girl Like Me, as well as comments we hear from women living with HIV around the...

Submitted on Feb 14, 2013


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