dating, relationships


My name is Angela Krebs and I have been HIV+ for almost 21 years. I am 37, married and have 2 children that were planned and are negative. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. I was searching for...

Submitted on Mar 20, 2012

My Story: Living with HIV Prologue: "I bloody hell want the divorce. I don't care whether you kill yourself or run away or even go to the court, but I won't leave you until I get the papers signed!!!"...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2012

Current global statistics state that an estimated 34 million people globally are living with human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. In the thirty years since the discovery of the...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2012

Should I blame him for walking out on me and trying to retain his negative status and refuse to be put at risk, or should I thank him for urging both of us to get tested? It cannot be easy. For some...

Submitted on Feb 23, 2012

I am trapped, in a corner I am paralysed by fear. I fear if I leave him my kids will grow up fatherless like me. I fear if I leave I will never find another partner. Who will look at an HIV positive...

Submitted on Feb 20, 2012

I thought I knew what is important in my life; my health and my kids, the rest just comes after but life had a surprise in store for me. A broken heart. My blood count is way up, but my heart is...

Submitted on Nov 3, 2011

No peace! (As one of my sisters from 'A girl like me' would say…) whose responsibility is it to stop this virus from spreading? In recent years I have found that the burden lies solely with HIV+...

Submitted on Oct 12, 2011

Hey All, Sorry I've been gone soooooo long, but between school and working 2 jobs and dealing with the children; my life can get a tad crazy at times. ANYWHOOO This week, and for the next couple of...

Submitted on Oct 4, 2011

Yes! I now know better because, just like many HIV+ women, I thought that men like us would probably treat us better and be a little kinder because they could relate to what was happening in our lives...

Submitted on Jun 27, 2011

A few days ago I was trying to relax after a hectic day when my phone suddenly rang. I love phone calls so you can imagine how fast I rushed to answer it and when I saw the caller ID, I was even more...

Submitted on May 17, 2011


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