Bose's blog


I'm happy to share that I have been again chosen for Karmaveer Chakra award instituted by #iCONGO in Partnership with the #UnitedNations. I will be receiving #GoldChakra this year, third in a row...

Submitted on Oct 29, 2019

This blog is in commemoration of the recent celebration of the International Day of the Girl Child.

Submitted on Oct 16, 2019

I recently came across this news for an upcoming book launch: It has been over 30 years since the onset of the global AIDS epidemic and advances in biomedical research have led to the discovery of...

Submitted on Apr 1, 2019

This year has been a year of so many challenges and trials. First it was resuming back to work in Abuja and was given a letter of termination of appointment from the organization we work for. Later in the month of March I lost an Aunty--in short from March to November I lost three of my aunties and an in-law.

Submitted on Dec 10, 2018

As an HIV advocate and Global Ambassador to The Well Project one of the planned activities that was carried out this year was to take HIV/AIDS health education and information to young adolescent...

Submitted on Aug 8, 2018

It is over fourteen years now, that I told my seven year old son that I have HIV and that I will be dying soon. I told him not to worry too much that my Mum and elder brother will take good care of...

Submitted on Apr 1, 2018

I truly don't know where to start because it is another great and wonderful opportunity given to me by The Well Project. If not for The Well Project, I could not have been able to attend this...

Submitted on Jan 25, 2018

I was on my way home to see my family in Lagos, Nigeria from the FCT Abuja. It was a fifteen to nineteen-hour drive from Abuja to Lagos and the vehicle which I boarded had to stop to top up fuel at a...

Submitted on Sep 8, 2017

I was invited by one of the Private Secondary Schools in Abuja to address mothers on issues concerning a girl child. For me I choose to make it an interactive session for those mothers in order for us...

Submitted on Jul 13, 2017

I keep on reflecting back to when I used to be a home based care provider. My experiences back then, I go to very sick persons’ homes that are living with HIV and AIDS. Most were very sad ones and...

Submitted on May 16, 2017


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