Bose's blog


As a person who shares in this epidemic, it is becoming more worrisome and frightening for many people living with the HIV virus in Nigeria. I remember some years back in the early 2000s, we were...

Submitted on Oct 24, 2014

I went for my checkup yesterday and something is not right with my test results. It seems that my CD4 count keeps dropping and they can't say why. It went from 778 in January, 2013 to 690 in August...

Submitted on Jun 6, 2014

Life for me and my family is a big struggle but in everything, we give thanks to God. There are so many challenges to life here in Nigeria. My daughter took ill and we could not afford to take her to...

Submitted on May 19, 2014

World AIDS Day is not only a day to remember those who have lost their lives or who are surviving with HIV, it is a day to honor all the courageous people who have dedicated their careers and their...

Submitted on Dec 2, 2013

In this part of the world were I come from (Nigeria), our people do not see female circumcision as a big issue that needs to be talked about or to educate people about. It happened that I was called...

Submitted on Oct 7, 2013

I currently work at the National Call Center on HIV/AIDS and related disease in Nigeria. This has given me more opportunities to counsel lots of people and educate them on HIV/AIDS. We receive calls...

Submitted on Mar 22, 2013

Attending AIDS 2012 was an experince I shall live to always cherish for the rest of my life, and I have shared with PLWH women in the clinic (in Lagos, Nigeria) where I access treatment from just two...

Submitted on Aug 30, 2012

Let me start from the time I found out my HIV status.... Twelve year ago when I took the HIV test, I knew nothing about the virus and mode of transmission of the virus. In the year 2001, I was a young...

Submitted on May 18, 2012

My name is Bose Olotu Oladayo. I am from Nigeria, from one of the south/west states, Ekiti state, to be precise. I am a woman, born in August 1975 to a family of seven. I am married with three...

Submitted on Dec 6, 2011


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