I'm happy to share that I have been again chosen for Karmaveer Chakra award instituted by #iCONGO in Partnership with the #UnitedNations.
I will be receiving #GoldChakra this year, third in a row after Silver & Bronze Chakra on November 2019. This success and recognition is because of immense love by my friends, fans and followers. And also, I credit this award to #PeopleLivingWithHIV - without their trust and support, I wouldn’t have been where I am today. #HIVchangemaker #TheWellProject #UequalsU
#RKGF celebrates #ChampionsOfChange who make a difference in our society with their #IdeasForAction to be the change and REXChange mindsets by walking the path less trodden.
The award to honour individual work done by people to "be the change" and/or walk off the beaten road (as innovators, entrepreneurs, filmmakers, free thinking crusaders etc) or any field of work that inspires and brings in Growth Mindset.
#RexKarmaveerGlobalFellowship #KarmaveerAwards #TheJoyOfGiving #RightEveryWrong #RexIdeasForAction #ChampionsOfChange #KarmaveerNobleLaureates #OneBillionRising #SwachhBharatMission #UnBOXyourMOJOSH #IamthemoJOshInspirator #REXperience #rexconclive