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Who Am I Living For?

Submitted on Dec 10, 2018 by  boseolotu


This year has been a year of so many challenges and trials. First it was resuming back to work in Abuja and was given a letter of termination of appointment from the organization we work for. Later in the month of March I lost an Aunty--in short from March to November I lost three of my aunties and an in-law. That same March, suddenly my landlord just passed away, he did not make it to the hospital. It was a very devastating situation for us all as he was a very good person. For me all of this was so overwhelming because each of this deaths has some very sad stories attached to the situation.

Already I have a lot of debts I am paying so I keep on asking myself this question, "Who am I living for?"

It is for my immediate family or extended family because it involves my financial support, emotional support, and psychosocial support too. I have more of extended family issues this year, many of my family's look up to me for supports. I have an older brother who has been battling with kidney problems and severe back pain. He has to be put on strong medication and physiotherapy, which costs a lot of money.
My husband has been out of job since 2012, so my immediate family responsibility is all on me, but do you know that in all of this? I got hope, courage, strength and most of all support from The Well Project. I have had several health challenges too but reading about most of it from The Well Project web and getting encouragement from all the blogs written by other sisters gave me more strength. Also getting support from Krista and been able to participate and attending the webinar made me stronger. The Well Project is my lifewire like a cable that gives me light to see life is beautiful and it begins with me.

The Well Project help to ignite my passion to reach out to as many young adolescent girls and women at the grassroots level by building hope and putting smiles on the faces of women and families. I believe life can get better for me and my family. I will not be discouraged by any situation at all. The Well Project made me realize that the most powerful and important person in my life is me. The Most powerful person in your life is you!
I am also using this opportunity to say a big Thank You to The Well Project, Krista, Kelly, Jenna, Dawn and all of your families! Also, thanks to all the board of trustees of TWP and to all our AGLM bloggers. 

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and happy new year. May the new year brings us all more joy and happiness than pain.

May it bring us good health

Love You All


Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

Hello, my dear sister! you inspire me in so many ways and I am so sorry for your losses ! this year my father passed as well and I have been going through a very very hard time this year! it has been one of the hardest years of my existence. we will have a better 2019! this is what I hope for all of us.


love you




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