boseolotu's blog

The long term survival of those living with HIV and AIDS is not just a medical achievement but also a testament to the human spirit's capacity to overcome adversity.

The month of March has been an amazing one for me and I wish that this new month shall be more fruitful for you all. Just keep doing the little incredible and amazing things you do in your various communities. Because we can't tell how impactful and life changing are the experiences gathered in doing these things. Because with HIV comes lots of its own challenges. Despite having faced lots of issues in many areas, including the area of parenting, which is the most challenging part for me as a parent, still along came some breakthroughs, both mentally and emotionally. It began with an email...

It all started when my daughter got admission into the college in October 2021. I was opportune to meet with the Director VP Administration, Mrs. Enenmoh, at the point of interviewing me as a parent to the child. One question led to another, which gave me the opportunity of telling her about the work I do with The Well Project as a community advisory board member and global ambassador. I shared with her how we go to schools to educate young adolescents girls and children on HIV and sexual reproductive health and rights. She was so excited and she immediately gave me the cell phone number of...

[Content warning: multiple sudden deaths, including a stillbirth]​ I am traumatized! I have been living in fear and my heart is so full of anxiety for no particular reason! I don't even know where to begin. The past weeks have been a very challenging and traumatizing time for me and my family.

Most of us long term survivors living with HIV virus are not doctors or nurses, but have impacted and helped improve the wellbeing of newly diagnosed persons. Fifteen years ago, a neighbour came to my house to ask for my help with her aged mother who tested positive for HIV. She had no idea what to do, her sister-in-law who is a qualified nurse also did not know any better. She saw me on TV talking about HIV and sharing my experience as a woman living with HIV, which informed her decision to reach out to me. At that time, the old woman was having an opportunistic infection; tuberculosis (TB)...

This has just been running through my mind for a while now. When I tested positive for the HIV virus, I immediately felt that it was the worst that could happen to me! So, I started preparing my seven-year-old son for the ultimate: my untimely death! However, I did not know that life had a separate plan for me. I thought the rest of life's challenges and trials would stop just because I was diagnosed with HIV but I was wrong. Like every other living person, life kept throwing tantrums at me and I had to deal with every day's challenges as they came by. Four years after I knew my status, a...

Saturday 21st November 2020, as Global Ambassador of The Well Project, I had a time-out with young adolescent kids within and around the community.

To you, all my Amazons! You impact lives and motivate others around you; you all are awesome! Attending different sessions of this series has impacted me in every area of my life during this trying and challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic. I've been participating in most of the sessions and we have acquired more knowledge in a great way. In these past weeks, it was most of these sessions that really helped pull me through some of my personal challenges and being a part of this also gave me an insight into lots of things, such as planning ahead of time with my budget, income management...

Today I am just going to write all that comes into my mind because I think I am going into depression, that is if I am not already.

Future Assured, an initiative of the Aisha Buhari Foundation ("ABF"), is a non-governmental organization set up with the vision of securing the future for women and children. Her Excellency Dr. Aisha Buhari is the UNAIDS ambassador for the eradication of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. As part of the activities to commemorate the 2019 World AIDS Day event, the foundation organized a one-day sensitization event for corps members and in-school adolescents. Enlightening this community of young persons is key to preventing the spread of HIV. The training was attended by teachers and over a...