#TheWellProject. Where it all came alive to me. Life. Dreams. U = U...
We met in 2014 when I completed my first webinar series with "A Place at the Table". I was empowered and met up again (in person this time) with these beautiful people at the Speak Up Summit in Myrtle Beach Hosted by PWN-USA 2014. The relationship and guidance I receive from my new Sisters in Solidarity would be one closer and safer than family.
The education and knowledge in overcoming obstacles throughout this community have left many marks and many lessons over the years in my mind, heart, and soul.! I have since joined groups. I stay willing and teachable. I fight against Stigma and Criminalization. I make myself available for others.
I now use these experiences to help others living with a new diagnosis or struggling with a diagnosis for years in silence alone.
I am reviewing my work as an advocate. What have I accomplished? Where do I plan to go?
I have my answers and have started my plans (written them down) on how exactly I see these unfolding in 2020. I embrace the changes and accept the challenge, ever remembering "Thy will be done, not mine."
Sometimes we make dreams and plans and they work perfectly. Other times we need to change some parts. This today is OK with me. I look forward to moving into 2020 Strong, Peaceful, Courageous, and Humbled to do the work I am asked to do. Thank you for the Blessing in Advance!! I need you God!!
In Solidarity and Positivity,
Angel S.