Justine Davenport is a Black African American woman who has been thriving with HIV since birth. Justine was born and raised in Jamaica, New York but currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. She graduated from Bauder College with an Associate's Degree in Art and Fashion Design. Justine always had a passion for creating art, but after finding out her diagnosis at the age of 15 years old she added a new passion to her life. Justine is grateful for having the opportunity to work as patient navigator and advocate for Black women and children living with HIV. Justine works hard to find balance in raising her 4-year-old son, loving on her husband, and combining her love for art and advocacy.
Why Justine wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: I would like to be a part of A Girl Like Me to show the positive side of living with HIV. I would like to be the face of inspiration to help those who struggle with stigma daily. This is a great opportunity to get my thoughts out that have never been spoken. I want to build bonds through my story and experiences in life. This is a great space to educate the community because this is affecting everyone, whether you live with HIV or not.

Thank you! I'm excited to be
Thank you! I'm excited to be apart of AGLM. I have been living in Atlanta for almost 14 years. It's hard to believe I have been here that long.