Ashley Nicole Richardson is a young African American Woman with an ambition like none other. Ashley has always had a passion for helping those in her community. She started very young helping in her family's childcare center, Hudson Early Childhood Educational Center. From there, she has continued to serve her community with The Family Foundation of Greater Miami, Positive People Network, and more.
Ashley was born with HIV, only having 38 T-cells at the time of her diagnosis at fifteen years old. She became public about her status in 2017. Since then, she has shared her testimony at conferences, schools, banquets, community events, and on webinars. Aside from her advocacy, Ashley has obtained a Bachelor's degree in Finance and a Master's in Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University. Against all odds, she has advanced through her depression and the sudden obstacles that she faced.
Today, Ashley continues to inspire and encourage those that are also living with HIV and more. She is currently in the "HIV Stigma", "Ending the HIV Epidemic", and the "I Am A Work of Art" campaigns. She is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of HER VOICE LLC. She is a dedicated and efficacious woman who's diligently striving to make a difference within her community and beyond. There will be more of HER VOICE LLC to blossom. Stay Tuned.
Why Ashley wants to be part of A Girl Like Me: The title alone catches my intention. I have always stated that it's so important for others to see someone they can relate to. It helps people to engage more and become more attentive to the message. When it's coming from someone that looks like them, or someone with the same culture, religion, or life experiences, people tend to really listen. Being a part of A Girl Like Me would not only highlight the importance of representation, but the enthusiasm and dedication that The Well Project and their community partners illustrate to impact and change the world.
Thank you
Thank you so Much. I am excited