Hello HIV!

Submitted on Jan 9, 2014 by  The Well Project

Sonya posted a new blog, Hello HIV! on A Girl Like Me’s Voices from our Allies:

So we meet again. I don't know if you remember me; I'm one of those people trying to fight you. I'm the one who tells your secrets, busts your myths, and makes all attempts at stopping you from spreading to another by teaching people all about you. I'm the one who tests at-risk youth, secretaries, deacons, and seniors, folks in the pretty house and manicured grass, drug addicts, prostitutes, preachers, teachers, lawyers, and all walks of life to go and get tested in order to know their status and catch you early!  Immobilize you; startle you like you startled so many others who weren’t expecting you.

HIV, I will continue to educate and advocate, and be a voice to the voiceless until you are just a lesson in the history books. I will continue to talk about you 24/7 until everyone understands that you are around and that you do still exist.  I will continue to speak until many start to take their heads from underneath the blankets, from between their legs, and out of the sand and stand toe to toe with the reality of your existence.  Informing the masses that you are no longer a death sentence, maybe life sentence, and soon no sentence at all…..just a pardon.

It won't be long now, and I see you shivering with fear as your demise is on the horizon, you and all of your little opportunistic friends.  See, I know that many are taking three good friends of mine that they introduce to you every night about 9 o'clock? Prezista, Norvir, and Truvada…Yes, I bet you remember them oh so well, as you will continue to run into them every night until you no longer exist.

Well, I just wanted to remind you that I am still on the battle field, because you seem to think that you out lasted most of the activist, advocates and people living with you inside of their domain. I just needed to remind you that you didn’t, and we still have the fight in us against you.  I am sure I won’t be speaking to you again because you will be just a memory!

Good Bye!

Sonya Mallard, HIV Activist

Submitted by Maureen

way to go, telling it as it is. I used to be sad about but now I am a happy person moving with my head high, stepping on it every night at 21hrs, cheers

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