Think about a world where everyone is positive. I mean you can only imagine right? Lately I've been just to myself not really going out and hanging out and wanting to be around others - well maybe a few people that I know accept me for all of me. See this year has been all about rebuilding myself, my confidence, my self love, self-care, the whole nine yards. I thought I made it. I mean I did it, we are in month nine of this year so only three more to go and I seriously thought I made it.
But then I went out on a day I specifically said I did not want to go out. I was okay hanging out at my brothers, around the people I was comfortable with. But everyone just made it a point that we go, so I went. My night wasn't bad at all until the end of the night. Everyone was just hanging around the parking lot, just talking and catching up with people. Someone decided to make a joke about my status, not theirs, not anyone else's, but my status, and now I felt defeated - and maybe it was because she said it more then once. Maybe it was because she said it in front of so many people. At that moment I seriously felt like the day when I first found out about my status. I shut down. I didn't even say anything back. I just walked away. I don't know how to feel about that situation.
Again, I thought I was doing great. I was doing wonderful, so what happened to me? I told my story, I live my truth, and I don't hide my status from anyone. Yet I let that situation send me back in a hole. I let someone else's insecurities hurt me so much that I didn't know how to respond… What do you do when you make it so far yet one trigger pushes you back to square one?
Thank you so much i needed
Thank you so much i needed that.