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Learn about the groundbreaking GRACE study of HIV+ women and how it successfully enrolled large numbers of women of color in a clinical trial.
Learn the most common myths – and realities – about HIV: treatment, tests, transmission, and more.
I have been positive for two years now and public for one. See, I exposed my status on Facebook live and I went viral, literally.
Where do I start with this year of lessons and so much pain? 2018 started ok, although I never expected it to be so so hard, and I never thought that I would ever be this strong…but I am.
This year has been a year of so many challenges and trials. First it was resuming back to work in Abuja and was given a letter of termination of appointment from the organization we work for. Later in the month of March I lost an Aunty--in short from March to November I lost three of my aunties and an in-law.
While 2018 has proven to be another year of difficult battles and attacks against our community, The Well Project believes in the power of hope and the importance of lifting up the transformative changes that our community has achieved over the past 12 months.
When I finally understood that HIV is not an infectious contagious disease, I understood that I don't have to self-discriminate, I stopped seeing myself as a ticking timebomb, and began to befriend a...
I may never forget the night I got the email from Bruce Richman (founder and Executive Director of the Prevention Access Campaign U=U) asking if I would be interested in joining a campaign.
Your feedback is so very important to us! We want to know more about you, how you use our resources, and the impact they have.
This is D.V. Awareness month right?! Well let me shed light on another ugly truth of mine. Yeah, I been there before, a couple times at the hands of both men who I beared children for. As I sit here and think of how to describe the brutal pain each physical incident caused, I’m a little lost honestly. So I’m just writing what’s in my head at this moment.
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