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No one should be punished for having a health condition. Learn more about laws that treat HIV as a crime, and what they mean for women.
Get basic information on what safer sex is and is not, how to practice different forms of safer sex, and tips on thinking things through ahead of time.
Did you just test positive for HIV? Look here for help on next steps, normal feelings, and finding support.
Learn all about HIV testing: why, when, and where to get tested; types of tests – including at-home tests – and getting your results.
Get the basics on HIV transmission: how HIV is and is not spread, common types of transmission, and how to avoid acquiring HIV.
Learn more about health and safety issues for women living with HIV who are incarcerated in the US, and what advocates on the outside can do to help.
The language we use to talk about HIV affects the well-being of people with HIV. Learn about the power of words, and less stigmatizing language for discussing HIV.
Learn about ways you can be an HIV advocate, speak up for yourself or others, and make a difference on an individual or community level.
Did you know that taking HIV drugs prevents HIV transmission to your sexual partner(s)? Find out how HIV TasP works and how it can change the course of the HIV pandemic.
It all started a few months ago when CAB (community advisory board) member Samantha Rose Montemayor sent me a message and said, "Marissa, we should be at this event."
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