HIV+ mom


I really wanted to write this as everyone I know always comments about how happy I always am, or appear to be, and I tell them that this is not always the case. I do have bad days but I pretty much...

Submitted on: Apr 18, 2011

Being diagnosed HIV Positive was the Worst day and the Best day in my life…Ok I know this sounds bizarre but the worst bit was the realization that I might die before I’ve achieved anything with the...

Submitted on: Apr 7, 2011

Hello Everyone, Another Birthday is here again. Some women don't like getting older. I embrace every wonderful year! I am 41 years old today. What a life I have lead. I can actually say it has been a...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2011

Lately I've not been blogging simply because I've been sick. For the first time since my diagnosis 4 years ago, I'm actually experiencing signs and symptoms of HIV. This has been very difficult for me...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2011

It's my birthday today. I'm turning 31 and you, Mr. virus, its your 7th year celebration living in my body, I suppose. I realized today that i need for me and you to be civil to each other. You see...

Submitted on: Mar 18, 2011

I am trying something new. I am taking time for me. I have a family that needs me and a job that is very demanding. I am finding myself resenting all of them. I love my family, but I really needed a...

Submitted on: Feb 25, 2011

I applaud and celebrate "showing our faces", especially when I've kept mine hidden for over 20 years. But this feat did not come easily and the floorplan was carefully set. I did take many precautions...

Submitted on: Jan 29, 2011

The year started with good news for me. My baby girl tested negative, my viral load has gone down to undetectable. It goes to show as long as you keep focused, be as healthy as you can, you can put up...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2011

I have lived with HIV for twenty-five years. HIV is a pronouncement, a judgement of one's life. It is a disease like cancer, parkinson's, multiple schlerosis, and many other long-term chronic and...

Submitted on: Jan 18, 2011

My head is spinning. I am typing as fast as I can. I fear if my fingers stop moving, I may chicken out. But I know this is right. Whenever opportunities have presented themselves to me that will be...

Submitted on: Jan 17, 2011

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