HIV+ mom


The weekend is almost over and as I sit here still drinking coffee in the middle of the afternoon, I am very thankful for the little things. The birds singing, the sun shining, my children laughing...

Submitted on: Mar 26, 2012

My name is Angela Krebs and I have been HIV+ for almost 21 years. I am 37, married and have 2 children that were planned and are negative. I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. I was searching for...

Submitted on: Mar 20, 2012

My Story: Living with HIV Prologue: "I bloody hell want the divorce. I don't care whether you kill yourself or run away or even go to the court, but I won't leave you until I get the papers signed!!!"...

Submitted on: Mar 16, 2012

Well it’s been a while, but I’m back and inspired to write my blog. It’s now February 2012 and the year has really flown by…Good and bad events that have marked this year as an anniversary of a House...

Submitted on: Feb 15, 2012

As the holidays begin to wind down, I reflect on all the gifts I have received. My gifts have not been merely material items, but also supportive family and amazing opportunities. Could I also...

Submitted on: Dec 30, 2011

As the world celebrated World AIDS day a few days ago, I was celebrating the accomplishment of a dream I have had for several years now. A few years ago I had an opportunity to work with young...

Submitted on: Dec 20, 2011

My name is Bose Olotu Oladayo. I am from Nigeria, from one of the south/west states, Ekiti state, to be precise. I am a woman, born in August 1975 to a family of seven. I am married with three...

Submitted on: Dec 6, 2011

I thought I knew what is important in my life; my health and my kids, the rest just comes after but life had a surprise in store for me. A broken heart. My blood count is way up, but my heart is...

Submitted on: Nov 3, 2011

This week's theme is FOCUS ON YOUR FOCUS. Hopefully you weathered the storm, both emotionally and physically last week. And you forgave some people, but more importantly, yourself. And you took some...

Submitted on: Sep 8, 2011

I hope everyone is ok and weren't too inconvenienced by the effects of the Hurricane. Although the Hurricane was a scary thing, it was also a humbling experince. In the blink of an eye, everything can...

Submitted on: Aug 31, 2011

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