HIV+ mom


For weeks now I have been fighting depression. Sinking slowly down a dark, lonely and miserable hole feeling hopeless. In my head I have thoughts of, "Why am I here? I have no dreams anymore, no...

Submitted on: Mar 11, 2013

Register now for The Well Project's very first international A Girl Like Me conference call/web chat on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 10:00 am ET in honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness...

Submitted on: Mar 1, 2013

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.” ~Hilary Cooper There was a time in my life when the thought of taking my last breath frightened me...

Submitted on: Feb 26, 2013

Well, I’m still married (I thought you needed to know that after my last blog). Honestly, things are going better. While not great, definitely much better. It’s difficult to explain, but when I ‘think...

Submitted on: Feb 12, 2013

I made this to help give someone the courage to know that they can get out and do better. Just because you have made mistakes, doesn't mean you are a mistake.

Submitted on: Feb 6, 2013

  What is a resolution? The dictionary says: 1. a decision or determination; a resolve: to make a firm resolution to do something. This seems simple enough right? So I browsed the internet to find out...

Submitted on: Feb 5, 2013

What is supposed to be the most exciting time in a young person’s life became my worst nightmare. As I packed my bags for my high school Senior trip to Walt Disney World, my mother called my younger...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2013

Why is HIV/AIDS considered one of the most dreaded infections that exist? Not only other people fear us, but we begin fearing ourselves-- What if we spread this disease to somebody else? We would...

Submitted on: Dec 11, 2012

In observance of World AIDS Day 2012, we asked A Girl Like Me bloggers, "What is the one thing about HIV that you’ve learned or experienced this year that has made a difference in your life and would...

Submitted on: Nov 29, 2012

Life has been such a paradox. A few years ago I woke up to a nightmare when I found out I was positive. However this nightmare made me more determined than ever to make my dream come true. My dream...

Submitted on: Oct 25, 2012

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