HIV faith


Please welcome a new contributor to our Voices from our Allies page on A Girl Like Me, Sonya Mallard. Please scroll down to view her first blog " Erasing Stigma 1 Church at a Time", as well as more...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2012

When HIV/AIDS first came out in the public eye, a lot of people of color automatically stigmatized HIV as a gay white disease. So they went around with this notion in their heads that they couldn't...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2012

There were many a times when I often use to sigh and say “Why Me of all people”. What did I do to deserve it? Why should I have to undergo suffering at the cost of others? Worse, why do I have to...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2012

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible but when we show the will, they soon become inevitable. Yes! Am living testimony that our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. A...

Submitted on: May 14, 2012

The early morning cool breeze whiffed past my hair when I opened the balcony door. The first ray of the rising sun provided the much needed natural vitamin for my skin. Basking in the sunlit glory...

Submitted on: Mar 29, 2012

9 months ago : We were at Mumbai's hotspot nightclub Rock Bottoms. Me and my close friend. Puffing on my "nth" cigerette that I have lost count of, I stared at her blankly while she screamed in...

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2012

One year ago I thought that HIV had defeated me ... I desperately wanted a baby of my own and decided to go ahead with insemination by an anonymous donor. It was my second attempt with the IUI...and...

Submitted on: Jan 17, 2012

They say what does not kill you only makes you stronger. I thought about this phrase and realized that well since HIV has not killed me…I should start looking for strengths it has created within me...

Submitted on: Jan 9, 2012

Hey All, Sorry I've been gone soooooo long, but between school and working 2 jobs and dealing with the children; my life can get a tad crazy at times. ANYWHOOO This week, and for the next couple of...

Submitted on: Oct 4, 2011

I have to learn that there are things that I have to give an account for in my life for me to truly be able to move on and take my place in God's presence. I have to learn how to let go and let God...

Submitted on: Aug 25, 2011

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