HIV faith


They say God said "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but mine!" 2 Chronicles 20:15

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2018

I haven't blogged in so long but felt the need to. There have been many changes implemented in my life this past year. I've moved. I've changed jobs. I've changed doctors. I've Changed Medications. I...

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2017

As birthdays pass and Holiday comes. I can't help to have a heavy heart. I said good bye to my loved ones some time has passed. This steady breathing is filled with gasps. My dear child has left me...

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2017

Day 3 evening. Left friends, and meeting with David for a small task I said I would help with. Deal was to get dropped off and ride extra bike back home, meet FBI guy, and head out for a bit.

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2017

Day 2 evening. I spent the day in bed, slept till 7 pm. I did some small tasks during day but not much.

Submitted on: Jun 20, 2017

I have been me for forty six years. I have not always liked me, nor liked my actions; looking back I can see #mypassionrunsdeep.

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2017

As a young girl growing up, my life began with the "normalcy" of being sexually molested by my step-dad, waking to the sounds of seeing him beat my mom

Submitted on: Apr 26, 2017

This year I was looking forward to changes with the new president. I realize it is a choice to get on an antiviral therapy and continue to strive to reach an undetectable viral load. Today I went to...

Submitted on: Mar 14, 2017

Well, where do I start? I have been going through a rollercoaster for some years now. Every time that it seems I am on the road to healing and stability something happens!

Submitted on: Feb 15, 2017

I see, I was offered a place to stay to get things going in a favorable direction. After some time of living under the same roof and eating out often together, Sex came into play. At that moment I was...

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2017

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