HIV empowerment


A quick recap to catch those of you up who do not know my story. I diagnosed positive for HIV in 1996. I was 21 and began dating the man who became my husband when I was 19. That is not why I was on...

Submitted on: Sep 4, 2019

Never would I ever think that I would be the one telling the story from this side. But they told us never to say never anyways, so I guess that is where I first went wrong. The second misstep happened...

Submitted on: Aug 29, 2019

Hello guys. I know it's been a while, but I been in complete meditation on blogging.

Submitted on: Aug 28, 2019

Dear Healthcare Provider, I know my HIV medication is keeping me alive. I know how important it is. I know it's working against my virus and keeping me from getting sick. But like most people I had to...

Submitted on: Aug 26, 2019

I can not change what I am not willing to face. Be authentic. Realizing that to be authentic one's secrets must be faced - head on. Secrets are an example of WHAT IS LACKING IN YOUR LIFE AND IN YOU...

Submitted on: Aug 22, 2019

I am NOT trying to offend anyone as you all know I got bigger fish to fry!

Submitted on: Aug 21, 2019

There are days when I really wonder why it is so hard to educate people about HIV.

Submitted on: Aug 15, 2019

Children are clay in the trusted hands of a human creator, loaned to us for a small moment in this space we consume. (Let’s understand first, I will not be striving for political correctness.)

Submitted on: Aug 14, 2019

What NOT to say: "Why are you in bed most of the time?" Or "Why are you sick most of the time?" "Push Yourself." "It happens and it is normal." "You are so lazy." (The last two are "common" statements amongst women.)

Submitted on: Aug 12, 2019

Dear friends, sisters in the struggle to be recognized for ourselves, helping one another, in this life experience that I’ve gotten to live, as a positive woman and also a Trans and Latina woman.

Submitted on: Aug 6, 2019

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