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What I'm going to do with this test is turn it into a testimony, my testimony. So yes, I am 24 years old with HIV. Yes, I have to wake up every day and take medicine. But other than that, what has...
I've always been one to believe everything happens for a reason. And I do believe, if not anything, God put HIV in my life because he knows I can reach others.
Never would I ever think that I would be the one telling the story from this side. But they told us never to say never anyways, so I guess that is where I first went wrong. The second misstep happened...
"Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined." –Toni Morrison. When I ran across this quote I felt it was appropriate to tie into what I experienced during this year's AIDSWATCH, because it...
I am in the south; for now. With that move comes changes of all kinds and one of those for me is finding medical help and of course a new "infectious disease" doctor (which I hate that they call our...
So I was talking to an acquaintance about the dating pool, age (ugh), deal breakers and dating overall.
I just had an awesome experience in Washington DC at my very first AIDSWatch, and I plan to share my experience with you in full honesty, though I'm a little ashamed to do so. But in order to benefit...
What do you know about the truth? Seriously, I'm asking. What's true for you? How do you define truth?
A friend of mine was reading my last blog and he said that I should elaborate... I spoke about never really being able to experience sexual freedom...
In one way or another in various tones from forced to cheer to seriousness, at four out of five of my initial appointments after learning that I had HIV, someone made it a point to tell me that I wasn't going to die.
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