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Have you ever experienced something that left you feeling and questioning, "Did that really just happen?"
Hello Everyone, My name is Amani Nadira Wilson. I am 42 years old and I'm from Bridgeport, Connecticut, now residing in Austin Texas. Ok!! My story is a little bit different. Although I am not HIV...
It's such a recurring theme that I have to calm down before actually sitting down to blog. I have to make it known that even I face adversity and people should realize that I am a person. I'm humbly...
One of the most un-talked subjects about HIV is dating. Yes, we hear about heterosexual women dating negative men or positive males dating negative males but no one talks about the nitty gritty such as how do they have sex with their negative partners?
First, I'm going to start by telling you the story of a young woman who had no strength, no self-confidence and no dignity. The story of this young woman is my own and it's a story I've only ever...
Hello, my name is... Ieshia Scott. There are several dots NOT because I didn't want to use my name but because I was hesitant due to the many people who are NOT prepared for this day. There are many...
So I'm dating this guy, right? And it was so awesome because I had just come out of an abusive relationship that lasted 2 and a half years. This one however, Adam, I considered my best guy friend for...
My name is Kelly Gluckman, I'm 28 years old and born and raised in the suburbs right outside of Los Angeles California. I come from a very middle class family, and I was raised with what people think...
I have written this over and over again. I was going to write about the things that disappointed me while at AIDSWATCH 2015 but I couldn't. I have no desire to put people on blast. It would not...
I was born with HIV. I am supposed to be pessimistic about everything in life. I'm supposed to graduate high school and barely make it to college, let alone graduate from college.
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