HIV blog


I currently work at the National Call Center on HIV/AIDS and related disease in Nigeria. This has given me more opportunities to counsel lots of people and educate them on HIV/AIDS. We receive calls...

Submitted on: Mar 22, 2013

March 4, 2013 The score used to read: 40,000,000 infected 0 cured But today we are encouraged to believe in the impossible again. Impossible only determining the degree of difficulty it takes not...

Submitted on: Mar 11, 2013

For weeks now I have been fighting depression. Sinking slowly down a dark, lonely and miserable hole feeling hopeless. In my head I have thoughts of, "Why am I here? I have no dreams anymore, no...

Submitted on: Mar 11, 2013

Today was my eighth anniversary with HIV. I was diagnosed in a small town doctor’s office, all alone and terrified, eight years ago today. It was the first time that I don’t remember crying when the...

Submitted on: Mar 5, 2013

Register now for The Well Project's very first international A Girl Like Me conference call/web chat on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 10:00 am ET in honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness...

Submitted on: Mar 1, 2013

I have tried. I might not have tried hard enough. But really, what is hard enough? I have gone and filled out the application to volunteer at the local AIDS service center many times, with no reply. I...

Submitted on: Jan 29, 2013

Sonya posted a new blog Remove Your Mask on A Girl Like Me’s “Voices from our Allies” page: ½ of my LIFE, I’ve lived behind a MASK…for a MAN. I hid my true self, true feelings & true sexual desires. I...

Submitted on: Nov 28, 2012

1/2 of my LIFE, I've lived behind a MASK…for a MAN. I hid my true self, true feelings & true sexual desires. I neglected my wants and gave into the desires of my flesh…For a Man! 1/2 of my LIFE, I've...

Submitted on: Nov 28, 2012

When I began speaking publicly about HIV/AIDS eight years ago, I thought that I was simply doing my part to educate and create awareness about a disease that had changed my life forever. I spoke at...

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2012

As many of you know, when the The Well Project was founded in 2002, it was primarily a U.S.-focused resource. As time went by, however, it became clear that the need for accurate, reliable information...

Submitted on: Nov 8, 2012

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