HIV blog


FOR ANY TYPE OF HAIR! The best oils to make your hair grow long and strong are combinations of oils like Mustard oil, black castor oil, almond oil, pepermint oil, coconut oil , argan oil and many more...

Submitted on: Oct 25, 2012

There aren't anymore news coverages. The candles that once flickered in the wind have since been blown out and discarded. Cicely has been laid to rest. The sensationalism of her death has now been...

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2012

Now on to the next hurdle I have had to face. This one hits my heart!!!! My 13 year old daughter has been riding the bus and staying the night often with her best friend who has severe OI (brittle...

Submitted on: Oct 5, 2012

Hi everyone, we hope that you take a few minutes to complete this survey! It will really help us improve the resources we provide! Thank you!! Krista

Submitted on: Oct 5, 2012

Sonya posted a new blog What Could it Be? on A Girl Like Me’s “Voices from our Allies” page: I really wonder why people are so quick to attend a baby shower vs. attending an HIV Awareness/Testing...

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2012

I really wonder why people are so quick to attend a baby shower vs. attending an HIV Awareness/Testing Event. It blows me away to know that we are willing to bring a gift of diapers, play games and...

Submitted on: Oct 2, 2012

On September 7, 2012, my life changed forever upon hearing the loss of a fellow sister in the struggle, Cicely Bolden. I was devastated by the crime and questioned my own thoughts about disclosure and...

Submitted on: Sep 25, 2012

Please view my video blog talking about " A Day with HIV in America" which occurred on Friday, September 21, as well as other recent updates in my life lately: A Day with HIV in America   My video...

Submitted on: Sep 24, 2012

Imagine if you will. You walk into a crowded restaurant. The buzz of conversation and laughter fill the air. The greeter asks you to share a table with a handsome stranger. You agree without...

Submitted on: Sep 19, 2012

I have Hyperadiposity, one of the 2 sub-definitions of this complication of HIV (lipodystrophy), excess fat in my belly and back. Did it come from the Crixivan I took many years ago or is it a symptom...

Submitted on: Sep 12, 2012

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