HIV blog


"Looking after my health TODAY gives me a better hope for TOMORROW" - Anne Wilson Schaef DISCLAIMER: What failed on me does NOT mean that it may not work on you. PLEASE listen to your body and go by...

Submitted on: Jun 10, 2014

I went for my checkup yesterday and something is not right with my test results. It seems that my CD4 count keeps dropping and they can't say why. It went from 778 in January, 2013 to 690 in August...

Submitted on: Jun 6, 2014

It’s been a long time since you have heard from this “Girl Like Me,” but I’m still here, still being an avid activist, refusing to let adversity keep me down. And dear friends, if there is ONE thing I...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2014

So much has been on my mind. I’m frustrated every time I turn around. I’m sick of the hurt and killings. I’m sick of listening to folks say I’m winning. I’m tired of babies being hurt and abused. I’m...

Submitted on: Jun 3, 2014

UPDATE OF MEDS: As some know, I “once again” asked my doctor to change my medication regimen! I took Trizivir for 10 years. It was a good medicine but I noticed that my red blood cells were enlarged...

Submitted on: May 30, 2014

I have been giving a lot of thought to my reluctance to disclose my HIV positive status to anyone. I have been positive since 1996 and I would guess about ten people know my status. Initially I was...

Submitted on: May 29, 2014

Recently in the last few months I have been visiting with medical professionals more than usual. In March I went in for serious pain to the OBGYN. I was supposed to have surgery last September, but it...

Submitted on: May 28, 2014

I wanted to share with the whole world my special moment and also announce that Lisa and I are married! :) We got married in New York. I was also honored by the Latino Commission on AIDS on May 13th...

Submitted on: May 20, 2014

I'm running through the streets of Soho in stilettos to catch the late train home, feeling like Cinderella as she left the ball just before the clock struck and she returned to rags. I had been to the...

Submitted on: May 12, 2014

In the fall of 2001 things really came apart. It was then that I was hospitalized with Pneumocystis Pneumonia and received an AIDS diagnosis. I had 48 t-cells and a host of health problems. When my...

Submitted on: May 6, 2014

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