Even in my compassion I have lacked action

...That is what she said in response to the hearing of another young woman dead in our community as she urged her friends on facebook to have a call to arms.  I was so struck by the statement that I knew it had to be my own. How many of us have heard the numbers about HIV/AIDS in our community and still lacked action? How many of us know someone in the community that has been discriminated against because of their status and done nothing? How many times have you said this is important I will take a stand and then continued to sit on the couch? Maybe it is only I who have done these things once or twice in my life but somehow I don't think this falls into one of the things that make me unique. I, like many in the world, have had compassion and still lacked the action to bring about change. Largely, because I didn't know what to do or how to get started. A year ago my action was writing this blog to show support for the women that were infected across the globe and offer the view point of an ally. Now, my action is hosting these pledge parties where women gather and figure out what action they can take, pledge one thing and get monthly reminders and tips to help them stay motivated and reach their goal. My action is kind of small but in this step I am hoping to inspire other steps for me and the women in my circle.

I hope you too can take action.


About Tiffany: Tiffany B. Dominique, Center for AIDS Research Community Advisory Board Coordinator and Recruitment Coordinator at the University of Pennsylvania's HIV Vaccine Trials Unit. Tiffany conducts research projects focusing on HIV/AIDS addressing such topics as: the connection between HIV and IV drug use; how depression effects disease progression; and the latest one for an experimental HIV vaccine.  Additionally, she actively seeks ways to ensure HIV+ women can access and receive health and social support services.   Mrs. Dominique is also a Black Youth Vote organizer and spends countless hours mobilizing youth and young adults around issues of voter education and participation, environmental justice, and youth homelessness. Tiffany was raised in New Orleans, LA and although she had moved to Philadelphia 15 years ago still referred to New Orleans as home until her parents relocated to Houston following Hurricane Katrina.   She has a series of poetry published by Thoughts In Black, Inc and contributed to South End Press' Anthology "What Lies Beneath".

Comments (1)

Submitted by sonyamallard

Wow, we can find ourselves somewhere in that Blog....this prompted me to do more, be more, and contribute more to the cause! Thank You Tiffany :)

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