Do you want your clothes back?

Submitted on May 30, 2024 by  HEROconnor
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Sweet hints of hazelnut to remember
The last time
I broke it open
Used up
Stuck in rewind
One too many & a bad aftertaste
Trying to come down & fell on the way up
When will it stop starting
When will I stop
I think I broke it
The credits are rolling
But (but, but)
I never pressed play

It's been another month or two
I stopped using so much coffee creamer
Afraid my teeth might rot
Like my insides
Everytime I say the thing (I shouldn't say)
Slid right off my tongue before I caught it
How long
How long until I lose this, too
Please repeat

Submitted by KatieAdsila

I love your artistry as an artist myself, it’s so passionate and beautiful, you can tell it’s from the heart, but my art has never been with dance, I would love to hear more about your dancing, what inspires the movements, when did you start and why, what does it mean to you? Sending love sis 

Submitted by Marig2016

Heather !! I loved this, but seeing you dance just does something to my spirit! I know that poetry, writing and dancing are all amazing outlets for us to release the heaviness of life and i just want to say how oh so proud I am of you!!! Never stop dancing <3 

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