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What are the MOST IMPORTANT things in a relationship to you?

Submitted on Sep 7, 2012 by  JoDha


My only requirement would be UNCONDITIONAL love, that is so hard to find nowadays. I see lot of marriage and relationship breaking due to the lack of such love. When one loves a person "unconditionally", he/she goes out of his/her way to love the person EVEN THE MORE without any "expectations". Such love is never based on a terms of Give and Take. When I am sick, I would NOT expect my husband to sit at my side n tend/care for me, BUT then a person is "DUTY BOUND" to look after a sick wife. This is LOVE. You don't ask but still you receive. A good real life example is my ex-boyfriend. I had my future with him. I had dreamt of a family, home, marriage until one fine day my bubble burst! Someone in his circle had strictly objected to marriage and since he was very devoted to his parents, he gave up the idea of marrying me BUT not the friendship. Though our relationship as a couple is no more, we are steadfast friends and he still continues to help me emotionally, financially, spiritually and mentally. I am happy and content. Though my dreams were shattered, that I still have him by my side was more than enough. And thats called UNCONDITIONAL love!


No Give and Take.

No Expectations.

Just loving a person purely from the heart and soul, not from mind and body.

So go ahead, make friends, and fall in love with people all over again, not just to one “certain” person. Don’t take life and people for granted.

Learn the “art of giving” without expecting. It brings so much joy and also touches the person’s heart to the core.

See Mother Teresa. See Princess Diana. They had so much sufferings yet they endured. Their life too has not been an easy one but they are “remembered” and made name in history because of their love. Love is a powerful tool. Only an “expectation” is the destroyer!

Live. Love. Learn!!!

Submitted by tatty2gud

the greates expression of love is to give without expecting, to accept without exception

Submitted by joyaloyo

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE it surely is my dear and i have learnt what that means from an experience i had recently. i met a person that i fell in love with a couple of months ago and unfortunately/fortunately for us he tested positive a few weeks ago after being negative before he met me. his first reaction like anyone else where anger, disappointment and all but when the dust settled he told me one thing that he still loved me the same and not even this could change how he felt and even loved me more. This is a true test of unconditional love and i thank God for this.

Submitted by mumbaiyyagal

Yes tatty2gudd.....

Submitted by mumbaiyyagal

Am happy for you Joyaloyo, thou I do feel sorry for him. But looking at the bright side, he knows what "love" is. When a person has unconditional love, he/she has the best in the world. What more does one want? Happiness overflows, you beam, and the body makes an amazing recovery.....thats the power of "unconditional love" .....Lucky are those who get them!

Submitted by mumbaiyyagal

wow i am overwhelmed by your story hey i recently met a guy after breaking up with the father of my baby the new guy loves me so much and i love him madly and i am not lying about that one but the thing is at times it feels like its too much for him, he is HIV negative but he does not have a problem with my positive status and whenever we get intimate he always asks me if i am comfortable with him and i dont know what to say he always gets worried about that thinking that i dont believe him when he says he loves me......but i pray that someday i find the way to deal with my self esteem and i am glad i was honest with him the first time

Submitted by mumbaiyyagal

Yep"" UNCONDITIONAL LOVE"" my girlfriend is positive and we been in love for the past two years soon she will be my wife and i dont see her as positive to me she is a beatifull,sexy,loving woman and i am grateful i met such a lovely woman


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