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Starting from the beginning...

Submitted on May 18, 2012 by  boseolotu

Let me start from the time I found out my HIV status....

Twelve year ago when I took the HIV test, I knew nothing about the virus and mode of transmission of the virus. In the year 2001, I was a young single mother to a little boy of seven years old. My goal then was to be a mother and father for my son! And this I have been since his birth. I was offered a job as a receptionist in one of the private medical laborotory.  I learned on the job, how to conduct some test including HIV test, this lab work was in partnership with a private hospital.

In year 2002, the MD of the hospital called and he want me to inculde HIV among all other tests for ANC, he wanted to be the one who ran the HIV test on all pregenant women that comes for antinetal clinic and keep data and record of them all. In just a few months I had records of twenty eight pregnant women who tested positive to the virus...and to me this was alarming and very scary. Because, as of that time, we do not know where to refer them to, most of them never come back after they were told by the doctor that they have tested positive for HIV.

Some came back when their babies are almost dying. This promts me to carry the test on myself, and when it turn out positive for the virus, my whole life came to an end at that point! Because on my street, two houses away from my house, a woman was sent to the lab where I work to run her sick husband's HIV test and I was the one who carried out the test. It was positive and this man died after some days and the wife followed. Also in that same house, another couple died of same virus.

So everyday I slept, I never thought of seeing the next day! But the only thing I started doing is reading and gathering information about this deadly virus that has claimed so many life in my community. Then I told myself that I can find a cure to this deadly disease. I started experimenting with my body by injecting some deadly substance into my vein. I almost died!

I will continue my story soon...

Submitted by mumbaiyyagal

Dearest Boseolotu,

Please do not experiment on yourself in hope of finding the cure. It is a way too dangerous. Also, people, after learning about their status, tend to go into depression mode, and take up to heavy smoking and drinking.....some even do drugs....Thou I have not taken drugs, I had smoked and drank a lot until finally one fine day, I decided to "love" my life instead of "wasting" it away. Life is beautiful, Bose, all you need to do is to live positively. Take ur medicine on time, eat proper food devoid of excess oils/fats, and exercise regularly. If u follow these golden rules (taking meds on time, eat healthy, exercise regulary, and be postive) , u will take charge of your own body and of course your own life!!


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