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Alternative treatments I did for first 10 years without HIV meds and what I'm doing now

Submitted on Dec 14, 2011 by  MariaHIVMejia

Please see my video blog about what alternative treatments I did for the first 10 years without HIV medicine, and what I have been doing for the past 11 years--combining alternative treatment and HIV medicine:




Que medicina naturista y alternativa use durante mis primeros 10 anos de ser positiva sin medicina para el vih , y que he hecho durante estos 11 anos tomando medicina alternativa en combinacion con los arvs



In Spanish

Submitted by Lin

Hi Maria

I'm so glad that you made this video. I caught HIV about 2 years ago and being a lifetime vegetarian, complementary therapy user I hoped to stay off meds for a long time! I had homeopathy, cranio-sacral, acupuncture and reiki. I took multivitamins, 5htp, astrogalus and for a while some very expensive 'glyconutrients'. I did a lot of research too but found nothing conclusive.

However it only took about a year before my CD4 and viral load levels became serious and so I had to start ART. I began about 2 months ago and it was really difficult to accept that I had to as I also have a deep dislike for drug companies and the way they develop medicines, animal and third world testing etc. I am still coming to terms with subscribing to a system which I believe is corrupt and destructive in many ways.

I am working on healing this split and moving forward. I would just like to suggest that you check out the milk thistle supplement as I have been advised by my pharmacist not to take it. Advice I did not want to hear as I wanted to be proactive in protecting my liver! Apparently it can interfere with the breaking down of meds giving you either too much (or not enough?) in your bloodstream. It may be different with Atripla, I am taking Duranavir, Norvir and Raltegravir which have not (so far) caused me any problems in terms of side effects etc.

Best wishes and I really applaud your honesty and optomistic attitude. thank you for sharing


Submitted by Lin

Hi Lin and Maria,

thank you two for the video and comment, that's pretty much how I feel. I am + for 8 yrs and was sure that I never had to go on the meds. I thought I am living such a healthy lifestyle, only "the others" develop AIDS. My CD4 count kept dropping down to 50 and I still refused all good advice from my doctors to go on treatment because all I saw was the huge conspiracy of drug companies. I was tired all the time, having constantly colds and suddenly could feel the virus in my body. I was lucky enough not to develop any serious infections.

It was only after I met with a herbalist who was living himself with HIV for over 25 years and who was able to bridge my strong opinion about alternative vs. mainstream, that I started to feel open to go on antiretroviral therapy.
I am on them for 10 months now and even though my virus load went undetectable within weeks and there have been no side effects so far, my CD4 count only recovers slowly because I waited for so long.

I think it is really important to let people know that both mainstream and alternative medicine can and at some point for many of us have to go hand in hand. I heard from a few cases now where people got really sick and almost died because they refused HAART and resented it so much.
For me it was like a lesson in loving the unlovable. I like to see myself off the meds in the future (at least at stages) but at the same time I am trying not getting too attached to it. They have helped me when not much else did and I am grateful that they exist.

Have you had a look into the studies about high doses (up to 200microgramm) of Selenium and NAC (N-Acetylcysteine)? These are some of the supplements I find quite useful.
I also found the blood type diet helpful. I was a vegetarian for over 15 years but started to occasionally eat fish and beef again as I am blood type O.
I was recommended colostrum which is linked to raise CD4 counts.
SAMe is great for low moods and mild depressions. It worked pretty quick for me compared to St.Johns Wort.

Thank you for sharing, best wishes from the heart for your journey.


Submitted by Lin

I loved your video blogs, I also do many holistic treatments and I always look forward in reading you or hearing you gives us advice. I have been poz for 12 years and I want to be as healthy as you when I am positive for 23 years like you :)

looking good like you would't hurt either

thanks again


Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

as far as The Milk Thistle and in Spanish was recommended by my own Hiv specialist..and many of the people I know in the hospital have been taking it :) we always have to research everything and make sure it does not interact with our hiv meds xoxo

love and light

Submitted by MariaHIVMejia

ty all for your comments! I believe the best way for me in these 23 years living with the virus and still looking good and feeling good is nutrition and adherence to our medication! also I will always combine alternative therapies with my treatment <3

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