JoDha's blog

I'm happy to share that I have been again chosen for Karmaveer Chakra award instituted by #iCONGO in Partnership with the #UnitedNations. I will be receiving #GoldChakra this year, third in a row after Silver & Bronze Chakra on November 2019. This success and recognition is because of immense love by my friends, fans and followers. And also, I credit this award to #PeopleLivingWithHIV - without their trust and support, I wouldn’t have been where I am today. #HIVchangemaker #TheWellProject #UequalsU #RKGF celebrates #ChampionsOfChange who make...

What NOT to say: "Why are you in bed most of the time?" Or "Why are you sick most of the time?" "Push Yourself." "It happens and it is normal." "You are so lazy." (The last two are "common" statements amongst women.)

I am #HIVpositive since 2005 due to medical negligence. I have been stigmatised, discriminated, hated, shunned and even ostracised. All because of my SILENCE. And FEAR.

I have often relied on the kindness of people to help me live and survive in this harsh world.

In the world full of darkness, be the #LIGHT (Tamso ma jyotirgamay) Just like my name "Jyoti" A ray of light, the ray of hope Stop putting your hopes into hands of human beings. They make the same mistakes as we do. Stop caring so much about so and so person. If they are meant to be in your life, they will. Failed business? Love gone sour? Divorced? Its okay. Just move on. Learn from your own mistakes instead of blaming the other or fate. Pave your own path. The world is big. Beginning is ALWAYS difficult, but unless one struggles, how will one know the true meaning of success?? (I say it...

When things don't go well, don't make it worse. It's better to go with the flow rather than to swim against the tide. Things don't last forever, it is bound to change at a given point of time. But why stress out and make yourself unhappy in the situation? Life is meant to be lived, to be understood and to move on. Taking care of "self" first is most important. Know one thing - you are not only living for others but also for your own - it's a fine balance. Many people regret things they haven't done in life and wished they had. Why spend time feeling sorry for yourself when you can actually do...

Marriage is hard work that requires two hands to clap. Right now one hand is paralysed. The one-sided relationship is not what I term as a "relationship". It's more like a person labouring hard, hoping and waiting, draining out all the energy just like watering too much on the plant. Result? Depression, lower self-esteem, insecurity (similar to that of a plant which get wrinkled and die by over-caring). Staying in a one-sided marriage needs a lot of effort. It requires you to be strong both emotionally as well as mentally because there are times one will break down. You need to be aware of the...

India is very conservative and orthodox when it comes to HIV. In most areas (except in Mumbai) it is considered as a "taboo" topic, especially in rural areas.

"Why do you make such a publicity stunt of yourself?", chided one person. "Why can't you just be happy, shut up and enjoy your marital bliss? After all you have got a loving home and a loving family. What more do you want?" And recently on Facebook by a person, this is what he commented under my post (surprisingly so, because he work for HIV cause) - "Miss Jyoti Dhawale, the point is that you only want people praising you and your writing. You have a fan club who believe in this story, good for you and good for the club". I know I don't have to be answerable and let my 'work' do the talking...

It was a sense of great pride and honor when I was nominated and selected for the prestigious KarmaVeer Chakra and KarmaVeer Global Fellowship Award instituted by iCongo in association with the United Nations at New Delhi on March 23rd 2015. Given below is my three minutes speech that I spoke during open mic session: In the memory of those who died - died living in "hope" - for love - for acceptance - and more importantly, for CURE... Also, on the behalf of those living - living in the closet - because of fear - due to ignorance - due to the mindset of the society - fear of being disowned by...