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All of us have a story, a triumph, something that may not be so glamourous at face value – but the breath in our bodies stand as a testament to the next person that hard things can be done.
All my love for you Job Corps; I've been meaning to write this blog for years!
I can honestly say I'm the most respected and hated person in a mile radius. Outreach is my passion since experiencing very traumatic events throughout my diagnosis of being HIV positive.
My lovely people, I promised to share my learning from AIDS 2024 in Munich with you. The two days I spent at the Global Village were quite fruitful as an activist.
Falling into place Falling fast speed Falling leaves allowed to breathe. They say time heals all wounds. From my experience hard lines drawn in the sand everything can be overcome with a supportive...
Tenía una imagen en la cabeza de cómo debería ser la defensa, y a menudo comparo el trabajo que hago, o no hago, al abogar por nuestra comunidad con VIH. Lo que he aprendido es que no hay una forma correcta o incorrecta de ser defensora.
I had this image in my head of what advocacy should look like, and I often would compare the work I do, or lack there of, when it comes to how I show up for our HIV Community. What I learned is that there's no right or wrong way to advocate.
Every moment in life, no matter how beautiful or horrific, can be silver. A glimmer. That's like faith.
I thank God because now there are so many places where they support us—people with HIV. The workshops they offer and the tools they provide, give us a chance to lead a normal life.
Le doy gracias a Dios porque ahorita hay muchos lugares donde nos apoyan por cuestión de la condición. Gracias a los talleres que nos dan, gracias a las herramientas que nos dan, nosotros podemos llevar una vida normal.