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HIV side effects, treatment


In my last blog I wrote about how for the first time, I was feeling sick. This time, I want to talk about the care I received. I went to my family doctor because I thought I had something wrong with...

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Hello, It's been a mad 3 months. Moved to a new city, new job and life has been a roller coaster. Meeting new friends, and some old ones too. In a busy life while I am trying to be like everybody else...

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Lately I've not been blogging simply because I've been sick. For the first time since my diagnosis 4 years ago, I'm actually experiencing signs and symptoms of HIV. This has been very difficult for me...

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Sometimes I count my blessings, probably not as often as I should. I live in an assisted-living care facility and I see people in wheelchairs; with mental incapacities of all degrees. Everyone is...

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