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Disclosing your status is very important. The laws in different states can be very tough when you don’t disclose to your partner.
Me llamo Anna Gonzalez Francis. Tengo 40 años y nací y vivo en Barcelona (España). Es difícil resumir tantísimas cosas en simplemente cuatro lineas, que a veces, pocas o muchas veces, se las lleva el viento.
Many transgender people come to the US to escape violence or persecution in the country where they were born only to have similar problems in the United States. It is hard at times for trans...
Muchas personas transgéneros vienen a los EE.UU. para escapar de la violencia o persecución en el país donde nacieron solo para tener problemas similares en los Estados Unidos. A los inmigrantes trans...
Have you ever experienced something that left you feeling and questioning, "Did that really just happen?"
Hello again to all of my sisters here. I want to share a little something about my life. I'm going through a healing process within myself and learned that being open about my issues are a part of...
I live in the basement: the lowest floor of the social systems we have here in America. Above me live the middle-class: not concerned with the trials of the lower class; the privileged: living in a...
It's such a recurring theme that I have to calm down before actually sitting down to blog. I have to make it known that even I face adversity and people should realize that I am a person. I'm humbly...
La violencia domestica o familiar de pareja incluye violencia psíquica, emocional, el control en una relación, la manipulación un problema grande en EEUU, sin embargo para personas que vivimos con el virus de VIH, es un mas fuerte.
What a proud moment when I was selected to be a part of the very deep campaign for Greater than AIDS for women, HIV, Trauma, Domestic violence and Intimate partner violence.