domestic violence, abuse


When I look in the mirror, I hate everything about you. You are fat and ugly! You've got pimples all over your face and your teeth are crooked. Nobody is going to want you. Ha-ha! They're talking...

Submitted on Jan 30, 2013

There aren't anymore news coverages. The candles that once flickered in the wind have since been blown out and discarded. Cicely has been laid to rest. The sensationalism of her death has now been...

Submitted on Oct 12, 2012

On September 7, 2012, my life changed forever upon hearing the loss of a fellow sister in the struggle, Cicely Bolden. I was devastated by the crime and questioned my own thoughts about disclosure and...

Submitted on Sep 25, 2012

I want to share this very important message with YOU! The youth! Please, HIV/AIDS is preventable. Your body is your temple and you have to take care of it! Use protection, love yourself and test...

Submitted on Jun 14, 2012

There were many a times when I often use to sigh and say “Why Me of all people”. What did I do to deserve it? Why should I have to undergo suffering at the cost of others? Worse, why do I have to...

Submitted on Jun 4, 2012

The Journey Well I don’t even know how to start. I have always thought I would be one of the last people who would contract the illness. I mean, I’m from the urban areas, went to multi-racial school...

Submitted on Apr 23, 2012

Current global statistics state that an estimated 34 million people globally are living with human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that causes AIDS. In the thirty years since the discovery of the...

Submitted on Mar 16, 2012

I remember my first memory at the age of three, unlike some children that have wonderful memories of their childhood mine was a very traumatic one! I was molested by a family member at such a young...

Submitted on Apr 26, 2011

After enduring so much stigma from people who claim to love and want what's best for me... I unconsciously began to stigmatise myself. Which I see now is the worst form of stigma. I forgot who and...

Submitted on Mar 29, 2011


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