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Have you ever had a dilemma where you had to choose between what is best for you as a person or for us a HIV community? Last week I had to make such a choice.
Those of us aging with HIV need to make our voices heard. When we are asked about our experiences, we need to be honest about what we are experiencing because polite responses and silence will not get us anywhere.
I've told my story a ton of times about what led to me contracting HIV. I was always cautious as to not say certain things that could point to the person I contracted from or even more tell a story that wasn't mine to tell
In this profound journey through the shadows, I've witnessed the evolution of our complex relationship with HIV and our quest for healing – my mother's and mine.
My decision to openly share my HIV status at the age of 23 was not about seeking attention but about filling a critical gap in the conversation.
Sigue luchando, paso a pasito. ¿No puedes hacerlo tú sola? Busca ayuda...
Keep fighting. Take it one step at a time. Can't do it by yourself? Seek help.
It is September 25th, 2023. This day marks my 11th year of knowing that I'm living with HIV.
Oh dear melanin melanated skin beautiful without and beautiful within they could never comprehend what it's like to be a man or wo/man hold on let me make this make sense they said we came from the...
I want to blog for A Girl Like Me because it is the most encouraging combined force of powerful women, people and allies, speaking out and showing solidarity.