U equals U is a scientific fact,
The studies are clear, the science exact,
It changes the lives of those who know,
It reduces stigma and helps them grow,
It's wonderful to know that you can not transmit,
And all need to hear for everyone's benefit,
Science not stigma, facts not fear,
This is the message that all must hear,
The souls lost to AIDS we will never forget,
But the facts have changed, you're no longer a threat,
You just take your meds every single day,
And the HIV virus is held at bay,
You can live a healthy, productive, and dignified life,
And can not pass the virus to your partner or wife,
Share unprotected intimacy and bear children of your own,
With science so absolute I can unabashedly condone,
A life free from stigma and limitations is long overdue,
Now aren't you glad I told you about U equals U?