Hello Nigeria

Submitted on Oct 8, 2024 by  JoDha
Jyoti Dhawale.

It was my first trip to the African continent. Given all the negative reviews I have heard about Nigeria – or about "Africa" in general (the scams, the kidnappings, hunger, poverty, bribery, and corruption that run rampant the moment you land at the airport and what's not...) I was made to be deterred from that goal. But my well-wishers didn't know that I have been brought up in a military background – and the more challenging it becomes, the more intrigued it makes me.

I knew no one in Nigeria except Bose who is part of The Well Project. But Bose lived on the other side of the town and my touchdown was not the capital city of Abuja but Lagos – the bustling, thriving metropolis. Now don't ask me how Lagos happened – it just happened. I was researching, networking, and trying to find a connection that would bring me to the continent, specifically to the country and I didn't know where to start. Though my focus was to advocate for HIV, representing The Well Project, I tried reaching out to Indian communities, to Rotary Clubs, to Indian Cultural Clubs in various parts of Nigeria – especially Kano, Abuja, Kaduna, Port Harcourt, apart from Lagos. Since I was a biker too, I had the most positive response from the biking community and that's where I struck gold. I decided that my topic of advocacy would be the HIV Sensitization Rally.

Name of the event: HIV Sensitisation Rally by Ace Bikers Club
Date: Saturday 7th October 2023

Clubs involved:

  1. BMW Club of Nigeria
  2. Ace Bikers Club
  3. Metallic Bull Ridaz
  4. BadGang
  5. Alimosho Bikers
  6. Ekobelles

Meetup: 9AM
Takeoff: 10:30AM

Flyer for event.

Ride Plans: *Converge at The Palms and ride at 30 kms/hr through 3rd Mainland Bridge to Adekunle/Herbert Macaulay to Ojuelegba to Stadium.

Routes mapped: Starting point: The Palms, Lekki-Alfred Rewane via Osborne, Ikoyi, 3rd Mainland Bridge, Adekunle via Herbert Macaulay way-Jibowu-Ojuelegba-Saferiders Training Ground-National Stadium, Surulere (Final Destination)

Topic: 1) Difference between HIV/AIDS 2) How to safeguard yourself in case of motorcycle accidents 3) Biking First Aid must-haves 4) PEP/PrEP

TWP and SF Logos used on: Ace riders club stickers, Pamphlets, Posters, Banners, Flags, T-shirts
Stadium ground booked for 4 hours.

Estimated riders participated (from all clubs involved): approximately 200-250 giving the strength of fan base who filled the stadium.

Thank you Ace Bikers- Lagos for all the love and for making my dream trip happen.

Back of t-shirt that reads "ACE, Freedom on 2 wheels" with a motorcycle and logos for The Well Project and Solidarity Foundation.

As for all the negative reviews that I have heard about Nigeria, let me put this very blatantly: Don’t believe everything you hear from the media. I am not saying that it is not true, what I mean to say is to take extreme caution and plan accordingly. Nigeria is safe depending on the location, depending on the area you are planning to stay, depending on the people you interact with. Media likes to portray the other side of Africa as it is considered third world – but believe me, Africa is full of beauty as well. Lagos has a bustling nightlife, beautiful beaches, upscale restaurants, and happening places, and yes there are luxury vehicles on the road – and no, it does not belong to just politicians.

Visit Nigeria but be safe and responsible.

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