women HIV


As the world celebrated World AIDS day a few days ago, I was celebrating the accomplishment of a dream I have had for several years now. A few years ago I had an opportunity to work with young...

Submitted on: Dec 20, 2011

Please see my video blog about what alternative treatments I did for the first 10 years without HIV medicine, and what I have been doing for the past 11 years--combining alternative treatment and HIV...

Submitted on: Dec 14, 2011

There is a new drug in town… this drug threatens the survival and safety of HIV+ women. I say women because the dealers and addicts will never pick on a man. The drug is woonga and its main ingredient...

Submitted on: Dec 12, 2011

My name is Bose Olotu Oladayo. I am from Nigeria, from one of the south/west states, Ekiti state, to be precise. I am a woman, born in August 1975 to a family of seven. I am married with three...

Submitted on: Dec 6, 2011

This year 2011 has been my 10th World AIDS Day as one of the survivors of this wicked ugly disease. I went a long time undiagnosed, flying under the radar so to speak but this disease even then...

Submitted on: Dec 2, 2011

I can not begin to express how excited I am that The Well Project is playing an intricate part in establishing a National AIDS Awareness Month! This thrills me to the core! While we currently have...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2011

I would have never imagined the 1st of Dec would mean anything more to me than a cousin's birthday, for which I would put a reminder on my phone and wish her when the time came. But today it means...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2011

World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st each year around the world. It has become one of the most recognised international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness, commemorate those...

Submitted on: Nov 22, 2011

I thought I knew what is important in my life; my health and my kids, the rest just comes after but life had a surprise in store for me. A broken heart. My blood count is way up, but my heart is...

Submitted on: Nov 3, 2011

It's very important to make better choices for better outcomes! If you're newly diagnosed, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Unless you have an excellent and progressive doctor, the information most of us get is...

Submitted on: Nov 2, 2011

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