women HIV


It started as a simple status on my facebook page where I just put "FOR ME IT'S VERY HARD!!! TO TAKE HIV MEDS...IT'S NOT SIMPLE! IT'S NOT EASY...THEY DO SAVE OUR LIVES BUT HAVE VERY HARSH SIDE EFFECTS...

Submitted on: Jan 19, 2011

I have lived with HIV for twenty-five years. HIV is a pronouncement, a judgement of one's life. It is a disease like cancer, parkinson's, multiple schlerosis, and many other long-term chronic and...

Submitted on: Jan 18, 2011

Celina I'm a 27 year survivor of HIV. I've been widowed since the early 90's when my husband died of AIDS. I have a degree in Dramatic Studies and a Teaching Certificate which I used to teach high...

Submitted on: Jan 18, 2011

My head is spinning. I am typing as fast as I can. I fear if my fingers stop moving, I may chicken out. But I know this is right. Whenever opportunities have presented themselves to me that will be...

Submitted on: Jan 17, 2011

I survived the Holidays… Yippeeeee! Now for the New Year! I always love family drama during the holiday (SARCASM), hateful things and actions with the MIL (Mother-in-law). Too bad she just can’t...

Submitted on: Jan 4, 2011

I have not been able to write in some time as right now my life is in a state of flux. Four years ago my career was at it’s peak. I was a senior television producer for over 7 years with one of the...

Submitted on: Jan 3, 2011

My name is Lynn, I am 41 years old and I live in Minnesota. I have one young son who is the light of my life. I hold a Master’s degree in the mental health field and work two jobs. I have been HIV...

Submitted on: Jan 3, 2011

As many of you know, I recently had an interview with www.thefrisky.com on World AIDS Day. I had never been involved in something of that nature and was very nervous. I am not very public about my...

Submitted on: Dec 22, 2010

Yes, many may think there is nothing positive in being positive...but as I have always been taught, and believe, even from something bad or tragic, we can find something good, something to learn from...

Submitted on: Dec 16, 2010

It’s been 2 months since my diagnosis and I am so confused. I got infected early 2010. I have not begun taking any medicines. My doctor has recommended some immunity shots and some vitamins before my...

Submitted on: Dec 10, 2010

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