I think as people age with HIV our treatment plans will become somewhat different than when we were younger. I believe it's important to have a primary care doctor and specialists working together...

Submitted on: Aug 14, 2019

What NOT to say: "Why are you in bed most of the time?" Or "Why are you sick most of the time?" "Push Yourself." "It happens and it is normal." "You are so lazy." (The last two are "common" statements amongst women.)

Submitted on: Aug 12, 2019

Dear friends, sisters in the struggle to be recognized for ourselves, helping one another, in this life experience that I’ve gotten to live, as a positive woman and also a Trans and Latina woman.

Submitted on: Aug 6, 2019

One day in 2013, I wrote these words in a journal, "Don't you wish a rapper would offer up a hip-hop version or critique of the latest Supreme Court antics surrounding the Voting Rights Act?" After...

Submitted on: Jul 30, 2019

My HIV advocacy journey has been twenty plus years in the making, and one I never thought I'd see. I contracted HIV 34 years ago and was very ill for many years. Death loomed over me for several years...

Submitted on: Jul 29, 2019

My grandson ran in his first Spartan race on Sunday, and as my eyes followed him, I thought how amazing this was that this could be a metaphor for all the challenges that so many of us have before we realize that we are all so unique

Submitted on: Jul 26, 2019

I don't even want to do this. I'm so selfish which makes understanding me difficult. I am also selfless to a fault. I draw lines. So enough about me. I wrote a blog a while back. Since I was nineteen...

Submitted on: Jul 24, 2019

I am #HIVpositive since 2005 due to medical negligence. I have been stigmatised, discriminated, hated, shunned and even ostracised. All because of my SILENCE. And FEAR.

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2019

A queen and a #boss! A Diamond will never compare to glass from a bottle! Just wish them well! Truthfully from your heart, release all negativity and you will start to get your light back and rise...

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2019

Each day we make thousands of tiny decisions that impact our day, our week, our year, and maybe even our life.

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2019

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