Are you stupid? Or are you dumb? What in the hell would possess you to breastfeed a new, precious, innocent life? Do you hate her or something?

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2022

Para leer este blog en español, presione aquí. "I'm scared" I've lost count of the number of times I've heard that blunt phrase from people that I tell that I'm a seropositive woman. Hidden behind...

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2022

If you can read this, or let someone read it to you, and you are sexually active – and you don't know your status or the status of your partner(s), you are at risk for HIV. Yes, YOU TOO! Woman, man...

Submitted on: Jan 31, 2022

This month I had the opportunity to participate in the 'Stories from HIV Long-Term Thrivers' forum where I gave a spoken word performance alongside an amazing and inspiring panel. The forum was...

Submitted on: Jan 30, 2022

On 18th January I decided to take RT PCR test for two reasons...

Submitted on: Jan 25, 2022

It all started when my daughter got admission into the college in October 2021. I was opportune to meet with the Director VP Administration, Mrs. Enenmoh, at the point of interviewing me as a parent...

Submitted on: Jan 21, 2022

I'm in a beautiful place where the snow is freshly fallen, life is everywhere, there are plenty of reasons to take the deepest breath and relax every inch of my body... but then there's that weight...

Submitted on: Jan 21, 2022

I recently "came out" with my HIV status on Facebook even though I've been quietly doing the advocacy thing in the background for a while now. Caring for my patients, using my writing, some small...

Submitted on: Dec 21, 2021

On Saturday 4 December 2021, I helped Inyambo STARS to organise a local event to celebrate World AIDS Day. This was a day to show their community why they are true talents, showing their fashion...

Submitted on: Dec 9, 2021
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It's inevitable that anything virtual will have some hiccups but I was honestly just so excited to be in attendance that I didn't care. It was a bit annoying but the experience heavily outweighed the...

Submitted on: Dec 8, 2021

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